On April, 6, 2022 members of scientific-expert group of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of Karaganda area: associate professor, pro-rector on strategic development of Academy “Bolashaq” G.M. Rysmagambetova and m.j.s., director of SIC “Rukhaniyat U. Aupenova took part online in the working meeting of the Scientific-Expert Council of the […]
Monthly archives: April 2022
Bolashaq Academy has been operating “Bolashaq Radio” since March. The radio will provide students, teachers with useful information, news and announcements. The radio is a unique educational platform for students to gain important competencies and skills. The radio continues to grow thanks to a friendly team.The hosts of Bolashaq Radio […]
On April 7, the Department of “Kazakh language and literature” Academy “Bolashaq”, together with the students of the volunteer movement “Meyirim” organized a charity event “Ramadan – a messenger of goodness” for needy families. Recall that the charity event was launched at the beginning of the month of Ramadan. Such […]
On 06.04.2022 the scientific circle “Jauhar”, organized by students of the educational program of the Kazakh language and literature started to function in the Academy of Bolashaq. The purpose of the circle: to inculcate in students the skills to write scientific works, to study and discuss problems in the field […]
The chief imam of the city mosque No. 1 “Al-Mashani” Zhanbolat Koshkeldi and parishioners of the mosque has organized an action for students keeping fast during the month of Ramadan “Iftar for 1000 tenge” on April 5. In connection with this, the Committee on Youth Affairs and the volunteer movement […]
On April 5, 2022 in “Qogamdyq kelisim” Department of Internal Policy of Karaganda region was presented the book “Paganuttsi N.V.: The master of Fann mountains from Sary-Arka (Biography. travel notes. Prose). The author of the biographical sketch and co-editor-in-chief is Director of the Rukhaniyat Centre, Academy “Bolashaq”, the member of […]
On April, 5th, 2022 Candidate of Law, associated professor, pro-rector on strategic development of Academy “Bolashaq” Rysmagambetova G.M. and M.J., director of “Rukhaniyat Centre U. Aupenova took part in the meeting of the scientific-expert group of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region in the House of Friendship. […]
On the 5th of April in E. A. Buketov Karaganda University was held Republican intellectual game in format “Brain-ring” among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on theme “Independence is the most expensive “. There were 21 teams participating in the intellectual game. Bolashaq Academy was represented by […]
? We hasten to inform you that on April 14-16 of this year you are hosting ХVII Republican Student Assembly under the aegis of “Youth role in building of New Kazakhstan”. Place and format: Nur-Sultan, Astana IT University, offline format; During the convention there will be: discussion of the Address […]
On April 4 the Committee on Youth Affairs and representatives of the volunteer movement “Meyirim” held an action “Ramadan is a messenger of good” to distribute food kits to needy families, timed to the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims. The charity event was launched at […]
On April 4, 2022 within the framework of experience exchange between universities of Karaganda city the head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich gave a lecture to the doctoral students of Karaganda Academy of MIA named after B.S. Beisenov. The theme of the lecture was “Criminological characteristics […]
On April 2, 2022 for the teachers of humanitarian and natural-science directions of Karaganda State University ” School – Lyceum № 17″ was held a methodical training seminar on ” Opportunities of Continuous Education of Teachers through MOOCs”. Balkhash city on the topic “Opportunities for lifelong learning for teachers through […]
A sunny March thaw contributed to the warmth with which our participants and guests met at the meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus”. The President Dilnaza Nazarova welcomed everyone who is interested not only in learning new things, but also in wondering what is significant in his life and […]
On March 31 Karaganda Department of Culture and Language Development held a round table on the theme “Pronunciation norms of words of foreign origin” for the teachers of the college. The report was delivered by Kurmangazy Zakirovich Sembiyev, head of the Kazakh language and literature department of Bolashaq Academy.
On March 30 at the Academy Bolashaq a round table discussion on “Kazakh script based on Latin script” was held in group K-20-1, studying on the educational programme “Kazakh language and literature”. Head of the Kazakh language and literature department K.Z. Sembiev made a report on the advantages of transition […]