February 25, at the Republican Scientific Conference (with international participation) “Youth and the global problems of our time” held a sectional meeting on “Prospects for the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. All in all, 30 scientific reports were presented at the section. Students and masters from Karaganda Economic University […]
Daily archives: 28.02.2022
On February 25, 2022 at PE Academy “Bolashaq” annual Republican scientific-practical conference (with international participation) “Youth and the global problems of our time” was held. After the plenary session of the conference, the work of SECTION 2: Problems of financial system and increasing competitiveness of the national economy was organized. […]
On February 24, 2022, as part of career guidance work an online meeting with students of 11 classes of Zhezkazgan was held. The meeting was organized by the Department of Education of Karaganda region. The event was attended by the Director of the branch of the National Testing Center, the […]
On February 24, at the Karaganda Palace of Pupils № 2, the head of the Department of Education of the region, Gulsum Kozhakhmetova presented the project called “Profi Center”. It will be implemented together with institutions of higher education and colleges, and the entire basement of the Palace will be […]
On February, 25th, 2022 within the limits of annual Republican scientifically-practical conference (with the international participation) “Youth and global problems of modernity” passed section 7 meeting “Actual problems of social and humanitarian sciences” in an online format. Total for the section “Actual problems of social sciences and humanities” received 12 […]
February 25, a sectional meeting of the Republican scientific-practical conference of students, masters, doctoral students and young scientists in philology on the theme “Youth and the global problems of our time” was held online.Teachers of the Kazakh language and literature department, graduate and undergraduate students participated in section 5. At […]
Two students of the department of foreign languages and intercultural communication spoke at the plenary session: Akhmetova D. (supervisor: teacher, master of philological sciences Kalizhanova A.) with the report on the theme “EDUCATIONAL CAPACITY OF MOOC IN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL TEACHERS”.Amanthaeva A.Z. (by the same professor, professor Orazgalieva G.S.) […]
On February, 25th, 2022 the academy “Bolashaq” held the annual Republican scientific-practical conference (with the international participation) “YOUNG AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF MODERNITY”. The conference was attended by students, undergraduates, doctoral candidates, young scientists of the Academy, as well as young scientists of universities of the republic and neighboring countries. […]
February 26 this year, Department of “Psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education” on the platform ZOOM conducted online round table discussion with the administration and teachers of the department’s branch “Secondary school № 23” Karaganda on “Lesson Study” in schools, the methods of use in practice and peculiarities “. […]
The competition to fill vacant positions, which was announced on the website of PE “Academy “Bolashaq” on January 24, 2022 has ended.The commission consisted of: rector, vice-rectors, chairman of trade union committee, a lawyer.The competition was held in two stages 1st stage (till 21.02.2022.) – applicants submit a package of […]
February 25, under the project, aimed at identifying the best innovative projects of young scientists, creating a single unifying platform to identify and promote students who are actively involved in research, creativity, student government, sports and development of science and education, a third-year student of Bolashaq Academy Marlen Kozhakhmetov was […]
On February 25, a regional forum of student government bodies took place in KarU. The main purpose of the forum was the role of youth organizations in the student environment and the implementation of youth policy. Student organizations of 9 universities of the region took part in the event. Coordinators […]