Dear colleagues, Here comes the new year 2022. And we, the lawyers of the Bolashaq Academy, would like to wish you strength, courage, independence, creativity, harmony, beauty and health, unearthly energy, and fulfillment of all your wishes. Be bright, cheerful, loved, creatively successful, technologically advanced, smile and relax more often! […]
Monthly archives: December 2021
On December 30, 2021 at the Academy “Bolashaq” the ceremony of awarding the best employees in the traditional intramural competition for the year 2021 was held. The competition committee for determining the winners in the nominations by the results of the year was defined as: Rector – Menlibayev K.N. (Chairman), […]
The tradition of public examinations goes back to Pushkin’s time, the poet’s education back at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Openness of a display of scientific knowledge gives the chance to demonstrate to the student his own, personal position in comprehension of scientific problems, freedom of thought in reliance on the […]
This academic year, I had the opportunity to take advantage of the academic mobility program. I, Ramazan Dauletkhanovich Kaliyakparov, a third year student of the Pedagogy and Psychology Program at Kokshetau Abai Myrzakhmetov University has come to the Academy “Bolashaq” within the academic mobility program for the first semester of […]
On behalf of the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Head of the Secretariat of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Azilkhanov the Director of research center “Rukhaniyat” of the Academy “Bolashaq”, a member of […]
Wrong are those who believe that on New Year’s Eve you give only to children. Every year the Academy “Bolashaq” presents sweet gifts to its faculty and staff. The outgoing year 2021 is no exception. The staff of the academy sincerely thanks the management for the gifts.
On December 24, the Youth Festival UPGRADE was held at the House of Friendship, organized by the Youth Resource Center of Karaganda Region at the Youth Policy Department of Karaganda Region. This event is devoted to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the RK. A student of the Academy Marlen […]
As a result of serious illness died a veteran of internal affairs bodies, a retired colonel, a candidate of legal sciences, a professor of the department of legal disciplines Mazur Nikolai Vladimirovich (12.11.1966 – 26.12.2021) The staff of the Department of Legal Disciplines deeply grieve at the untimely loss of […]
In connection with the upcoming holidays and weekends to strengthen security measures in the buildings of the Academy
December 21, in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Karaganda Regional Department of Youth Policy and Karaganda regional branch of the Writers’ Union held a poetry duel on the theme “Azattyk, netken gаzhap en! More than 50 young poets took part […]
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – MES RK) announces a competition for grant funding of basic and applied research of young scientists – postdoctoral fellows under the project “Zhas Galym” in 2022-2024 years on the following priority areas of science: Rational use of […]
To provide feedback and receive appeals on issues of higher and postgraduate education, the following channels of communication are available: Working number 8(7172) 74 23 52 WhatsApp – messages 8 708 664 10 40 Telegram – messages 8 708 664 10 40
Management of the Academy “Bolashaq” in the face of Menlibayev K.N., Ismailova R.N. visited the House of students of our Academy. The meeting with students living in the House of Students is traditional. During the meeting the wishes and suggestions of students on improvement of the House of Students were […]
In Bolashaq Academy for the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan essay competition on the theme: “Eli suigen, elin suigen Elbasy” was held. The purpose of the competition: popularization, development of essays among students, formation of spiritual, moral, patriotic virtues. According to the results of […]