On 07.10.2024, the Bolashaq Academy hosted an organizational conference of pedagogical (continuous) practice with students of the groups dK-22-1k, dKR-22-1k, dK-23-1c, dKR-23-1c in an online format. https://meet.bolashaq.edu.kz/playback/presentation/2.3/73d30f78314ff2e4356a8da5d01804741952b579-1728311886474THE conference was attended by the heads of the practice: senior lecturer Zhanuzakhova K. K., Kasetova N.K., students, specialist of educational and methodological management Seitzhanova D.S.
Professional practice is aimed at expanding and consolidating the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired by students in the learning process, acquiring and improving practical skills in the chosen educational program, preparing for future professional teaching activities.
During the conference, students got acquainted with the goals and objectives of the internship and the internship program. The senior teachers provided the students with all the necessary documents and methodological recommendations for the organization of the practice.
Senior lecturer Kasetova Nasihat Kumisbekovna answered the questions on practice. The students were given directions and practice diaries.