On the 2nd of February an online meeting on the topic “Religious extremism, terrorism and their consequences” with the head of the information and analytical center under the Department of Religious Affairs of Karaganda region, G. B. Dalabaeva, was held on the platform ZOOM. During the meeting Gulnara Bakenovna told […]
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working to incorporate Kazakh language courses into advanced educational platforms. Under the State program, effective programs for independent study of the Kazakh language by the population, such as, “Tilmedia.kz”, “Balatili.kz”, “Tilqural.kz”. A feature of “Tilqural.kz” (the study of […]
The Ministry of Education and Science of RK has developed electronic portals aimed at expanding the sphere of application of the Kazakh language. These are portals such as “Tilqural.kz”, “Tilalemi.kz”, “Balatili.kz”, “Emle.kz”, “Termincom.kz”, “Sozdikqor.kz”, “Qazcorpora. kz”, “Qujat.kz”, “Tilmedia.kz”, “Atau.kz”, “Abai. kz”. Tilalemi.kzBalatili.kzEmle.kzTermincom.kzSozdikqor.kzQazcorpora.kzQujat.kzTilmedia.kzAtau.kzAbai.instiuteTilqural.kz
Online competition of readers on expressive reading among students of academy Bolashaq, devoted to 150-year anniversary of Akhmet Bajtursynov. Objective: to popularize the work of Akhmet Baitursynov among young people. Requirements for the candidate to participate in the contest: Expressive reading of Akhmet Baitursynov’s poems. At the beginning of the […]
On January 31 in the Zoom platform Vice-rector for educational and social work of Bolashaq Academy R. N. Ismailova held a meeting with coordinators of student organizations of the Academy in online format. During the meeting plans for the second academic semester were discussed. Then proposals on the process of […]
On January 8, 2022 a summarizing of the regional contest “Young Teacher, Psychologist” was held. The contest was held by the “Bolashaq” Academy among 11th grade pupils of schools of Karaganda region together with the Department of Education of Karaganda region in online mode. The aim of the […]
An outreach group held an online meeting among students of universities and colleges in Karaganda region about vaccination and revaccination against Covid-19. During the meeting, the speaker noted that it is necessary to get vaccinated so as not to put yourself and your loved ones in danger. Vaccination takes place […]
On January 27, a meeting of Bolashaq Academy student organizations was held on the ZOOM platform. During the meeting plans for the 2nd academic semester were discussed. During the meeting students touched upon current issues, talked about academic performance and effective time management of students of the Academy. Now, on […]
January 27, 2022 as part of career guidance work held an online meeting with students of 11 classes of Abay and Aktogay regions. The meeting was organized by the Department of Education of Karaganda region. The branch director of the National Testing Center, representatives of all universities of Karaganda, as […]
In order to prevent infection with coronavirus and get the necessary information about vaccinations, the obstetrician of Polyclinic № 3 of Karaganda Zhanadilova Madina Shamelkyzy held an online meeting on the topic “Vaccination against coronavirus.During the meeting, the quality and effectiveness of the German-American Pfizer vaccine was discussed. Pfizer vaccines […]
On January, 20-21th, 2022 at the Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafin (MSAL) the XIX International scientific and practical conference “Criminal law: strategy of development in the XXI-st century” takes place. In its work students of department of jurisprudence of Academy “Bolashaq” take part. Daniyar Zhanabayev and Arman Meredenov […]
On January 25, 2022 the administration of the university rewarded teachers and staff of the Academy, who made a significant contribution to enrollment of universities in 2021-2022. Cash prizes were awarded 7 people: Abdrahmanov R.H., Zhapanova R.N., Kosmanova A.B., Nurtaeva D.B., Temireeva K.S., Tuganbaeva S.T., Tukubaeva G.N. . The staff […]
“Academy” Bolashaq “announces a competition to fill positions: Senior Lecturer of Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines – 1 rate,Teacher at the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education – 1.5 rateSenior teacher of the chair of legal disciplines – 0,75 rateApplication deadline – a month from the date of […]
On January 21, 2022 became known the names of the winners of the competition “Best teacher of the university – 2021”. National competition committee chose the best of the best in the profession. The winners were 150 teachers from 45 Kazakh universities. Such a high award of the Ministry of […]
A new incubator for startups is launching in Terricon Valley! To participate in the incubator, you must have:*an IT-related business idea;*a team of at least two people. ⠀ Participants will: Develop a prototype Launch sales ⠀ At the incubator, participants will:*Work with a personal mentor: the mentor will help build […]