Open Doors Day was held in the service centre of the Department “Antikor ortalyǵy” for the residents of the region.

The event was attended by Denis Shakenov, Head of the Karaganda Region Anticorruption Service, Askhat Orazkhan, First Deputy Head, officers of the Department, local residents, law students from higher educational institutions, cadets from Karaganda B.Beisenov Academy of MIA of the RK, as well as representatives of the branch office of the Republican Public Association “Adildik zholy”.

The students of U-20-1 group took part in this event from Bolashaq Academy.

On a permanent basis, all residents of the region can apply to the “Antikor ortalyǵy”, which has special offices in “open space” format, where you can receive legal advice from employees of the Department.
The main purpose of Antikor ortalyǵy is to create comfortable conditions for barrier-free reception of citizens and prompt action on their appeals, as well as to protect the rights, freedoms and legal interests of individuals and legal entities.

During the event, the residents were familiarised with the main activities of the anti-corruption service; in turn, the students were provided with information on the procedure for employment in the civil service and shown a mini-scenario in the training manual on the detention of a civil servant using special means and equipment. The aim of this presentation was to raise interest in the country’s anti-corruption service and to attract young, competent and motivated professionals to the service.

Anyone can contact the Antikor ortalyǵy Service Centre. The reception of citizens is carried out on weekdays from 09:00 a.m. by employees of the Anticorruption Service at 12 Alikhanov Street, Karaganda.