On February 17 according to the curriculum of educational programs of “Kazakh language and literature” was a conference on the results of cognitive practice of 1st year students and psychological and pedagogical practice of 2nd year students. In connection with the emergency situation in the country, the practice was conducted […]
On February 18 of this year within the walls of Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov a Round table dedicated to the presentation of the new Commentary to the Criminal Code of the RK under the editorship of Professor I.S. Borchashvili took place. The welcome speech was made by Prof. […]
From 1 to 14 February among the students of the Academy “Bolashaq” was held a competition for expressive reading in online format, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov.The main aim of the event was to popularize the worldview of Akhmet Baitursynov and his spiritual heritage among young people, […]
On February 17 in “Bolashaq” Academy was held a training seminar on “Latynsha zhazyk үireneik” for the 2nd year students of the educational program “Kazakh language and literature”. The training seminar was conducted by K.Z. Sembiev, professor of the Kazakh language and literature department.
On February 16, R.N. Ismailova, Vice Rector for Social and Education Affairs, and S.G. Kurr, a doctor at Bolashaq Academy, held a meeting with students.Students were told about social measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron virus, the importance of vaccination and revaccination in the formation of collective immunity. […]
On February 16 at the sports center “Batyr” a mini-football tournament among students and teachers of the Academy “Bolashaq” was held. This tournament was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Talgat Bigeldinov. Talgat Yaqubekovich Begeldinov was a Soviet ground-attack pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, a participant in the […]
Moscow – Karaganda, February 18, 2022Seminar organizers:Department of Russian Language of the Medical Institute of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation); Center for Humane Pedagogy Academy “Bolashaq” (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan). Speaking time frame:report – up to 20 min, report – 3 – 5 min. The working […]
On February 11, 2022 there was held a regional competition Zhas Zanger-2022 among 11th grade pupils, lyceums, gymnasiums and college graduates of Karaganda and Karaganda region, organized by the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Academy “Bolashaq” together with the Department of Education of Karaganda region. The competition was held […]
On February 14, 2022 participants of intramuniversity stage of republican competition of research works were interviewed by members of the expert committee. This year five students from the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication participated: 1) Amantayeva Ayana (group IN-19-2) – Colour in linguistics” (supervisor – candidate of philological […]
On February 12, 2022 in the branch (School № 23) of the department of “Psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education” on the platform ZOOM online round table on “functional literacy – the main direction of improving the quality of education” with elementary school teachers of School № 23, Karaganda. […]
The Academy “Bolashaq” has published the Collection of the Second International essay contest “Karlag: memory in the name of the future” / Compiled by: A.U. Aupenova, E.E. Serimov – Karaganda: RIO “Bolashak-Baspa”, 2021. – 236 pp. The collection compiled by the results of the Second International essay contest “Karpag: memory […]
The 3rd year students of the Bolashaq Academy Department of Legal Disciplines (Abilzhanov Adilet Ju-19-2, Kanapia Aliya Ju-19-2) were awarded for their active participation in the activities of the organization Alliance of Kazakhstan Students. In turn, the executive director of the organization Azat Tengebaev thanked the students for their activity […]
February 11, 2022 at the Academy of “Bolashaq” Department of Pharmaceutical disciplines conducted II round of regional Olympiad for schoolchildren on the subjects of chemistry and biology. The winners of I, II and III places will be awarded certificates with grants from the rector for one year of study. In […]
On February 10 in the House of students Committee on youth affairs held traditional annual field day “I LOVE KARAGANDA”, devoted to 88 anniversary of Karaganda. The program of sport holiday included 5 sports: kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, a checkers and darts. More than 30 students measured their strength. Results […]
The teaching staff of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department conducted traditional career guidance work in 10 schools of the city. During this work as much as possible observed quarantine requirements in connection with the epidemic situation on a global scale (wearing masks, the use of disinfectant liquids, monitoring of […]