“Academy “Bolashaq” – together with the Department of Education of the Karaganda region holds a Regional essay contest “Speak your mind” for students of 11th grades of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Karaganda and Karaganda region! To participate in the competition, it is necessary by February 15, 2023 (inclusive) send to […]
Monthly archives: January 2023
On January 17, 2023, a methodological seminar for teaching staff was held at the Bolashaq Academy. “Okytushynyn kashyktyktan bilim beru technologiyalaryn iske asyru boyynsha kuzyretterin zhetildiru zhane online okytudy uyymdastyru”. The seminar was conducted by the Center for distance learning technologies and IT support of the Academy. In the first […]
The meeting was held in two stages. First of all, the curators of the group considered the implementation of work plans for full-time education and DLT groups. The most important areas of educational activity of the curator-adviser were the issues of adaptation of students to the university, the rational conduct […]
16. 01. 23 at 15.00 hours a literary evening “POETRY is A MIGHTY FORCE” organized by the poetry club “Gumyrdaria” was held.The evening was held by students of the 3rd year of the educational program “Kazakh language and literature”.The evening was opened by the head of the poetry club Juragat […]
Students of the volunteer movement “Meirim”, organized by the chairman of the Committee for Youth Affairs of the Academy “Bolashaq” Baishagirov Meyrbek Kairbekovich on the days of frosts, harsh winters, cold snows, that is, on January 16, distributed food baskets and winter goods, warm clothes for 3 low-income, large, low-income […]
The future of our country, the bright future of the state is in the hands of both educated and inquisitive youth. Young people continue the path of the previous generation with dignity and prove that they are loyal followers. At any time, the driving force of society is the youth. […]
On August 31, 2022, the head of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines, A. T. Kabzhanov, took an active part in the Round Table on the topic: “Topical issues of improving the national system of combating terrorism in the conditions of the functioning of the martial law regime” organized […]
On January 13, 2023, a methodological seminar “The use of digital technologies of teaching staff in the educational process” was held at the Bolashaq Academy with the participation of invited speakers: Speakers of the seminar: – Letyakina T.A., President of the Association of Legal Entities (OUL) of the Association of […]
On December 15, in honor of the 220th anniversary of the birth of the poet Dulat Babataevich, Professor M.H. Khamzin held an informative lecture on the topic “Zamanynyn or tulgaly akyny” for students of educational programs of the Kazakh language and literature. During the lecture, the professor touched upon several […]
On January 13, 2023, a methodological seminar “The use of digital technologies of teaching staff in the educational process” will be held at the Bolashaq Academy with the participation of invited speakers: Speakers of the seminar: -Letyakina T.A., President of the Association of Legal Entities (OUL) of the Association of […]
09.01.2023 on the Zoom platform, an online seminar on the topic “Emotional intelligence” was held with the organization of Kaldybayeva Aigul Kudaibergenkina Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pharmacognosy and Botany of the school “Pharmacy” Kazakh National Medical University named after S.Zh. […]
A year has passed since last year’s tragic January incident. The social situation, unemployment, etc. caused a protest, illegal actions were committed by certain groups, these issues are discussed and an appropriate assessment is given. In accordance with the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K.Tokayev on […]
On December 15, 2022, teachers of the Department of Kazakh language and literature of the Karaganda Academy “Bolashak” held an essay contest “Tauelsizdik – tugyrym”, dedicated to the Independence Day, in the framework of the popularization of Latin graphics among students. Students of 1-4 courses took part in writing the […]