30 сәуір күні Ted Talks CLUB-тың онлайн сабағы өтті

Ted TALKS Club Lesson 11 on April 30, 2020, at 13:00
Have you ever got lost and tried to find the route with the help of any paper or another map? Have you succeeded in it? Anyway, the ability to use maps seems crucial nowadays; therefore, we chose the video-lecture “Happy Maps” by Daniele Quercia, a Professor of Urban Informatics at Kings and Dept Head at Bell Labs Cambridge, who shared his viewpoint on new ways to use online maps to improve humans’ lives.
The lesson was very informative: schoolchildren answered 10 questions, included 6 True/False ones.
We hope that after this lecture, our attendees will not be afraid of using maps any longer an, consequently, will never get lost despite their location.
The following video, shot by Tatyana Pisareva, a student of Group IN-17-1k, demonstrates the while-watching phase of the lesson designed by her for our TED Talks Club participants from Gymnasium No. 45.