March 1 and 2 of the current academic year, the department organized and conducted presentations of elective disciplines OP 6B04101 – “Finance” according to the approved schedule.
March 03, 2022 senior lecturers of department of preschool education and upbringing Alekseeva E.A., Talikova G.T., Janysbaeva R.M., as well as the student of group DOV-19-1 Zhampeisova L.S. spent career guidance work with students of 11 classes of KSU Osh named after G. Mustafin. As a part of career guidance […]
March 03, 2022 as part of career guidance work held a regular online meeting with 11th grade pupils of Karkarala and Shet district. The meeting was organized by the Department of Education of Karaganda region. The branch director of the National Testing Center, executive secretaries of the admission commissions of […]
On March 3, 2021 an educational seminar on the prevention and prophylaxis of terrorist and extremist threats in educational establishments was held on-line on the platform ZOOM within the framework of the Antiterrorist Plan of the Academy “Bolashaq”. The speaker was Yelnary Yernarievich Kazhikarimov, an expert from the Department of […]
March 2, 2022, Azat Myrzabekovich Tazhinin, the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education conducted an open curatorial hour with students of 1-4 courses of specialties PYP and PMNO on the topic “Modernization of consciousness in the eyes of young people”. The purpose of the event: to discuss […]
On March 2, Bolashaq Academy doctor S.G. Kurr handed out ascorbic acid to students to support general immunity in the body as part of the Appreciation Day celebration.
On March 2, on the platform Zoom held a meeting of the board of curators with the participation of Acting Rector of Bolashaq Academy Rysmaganbetova G. M. and Vice Rector for SVR Ismailova R. N. The meeting was attended by all the curators-advisers . During the meeting, the editors reported […]
On 03.12.2021-14.01.2022 in secondary school No. 15 took place a competition in distance format “Steps to medicine” among pupils of medical classes. The main objectives of the competition: to increase the role of medical workers in connection with the situation in modern society – the pandemic of coronavirus infection. Development […]
On October 21, in “Bolashaq” academy Professor Zhumadilova Nurshat Toleugalievna gave a lecture for students on “Religious currents: Salafism”. Salafism is one of the Islamic currents spread among the Muslims of Kazakhstan. Salafism for the first time appeared in Kazakhstan in the beginning of 1990-s and basically is distributed in […]
Rabies is an acute infectious disease that occurs after a bite from an infected animal, characterized by severe damage to the nervous system. Without special treatment it leads to death of the patient. The source of the rabies virus are both wild and domestic animals. Wild animals include wolves, foxes, […]
On the 25th of February, 2022 in “Bolashaq” Academy was held annual republican scientific – practical conference of students, candidates for a master’s degree, candidates for a doctorate and young scientists (with international participation) “Young people and global problems of modernity”. The conference was held in different directions. At the […]