Participation in the International Project “Memory for the Future” dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov

The Republic of Kazakhstan is working at the state level to perpetuate the memory of victims of political repression. In 2010 an international forum “Memory for the Future” was launched under the auspices of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. By implementing this project every year, the APK has taken the lead in preserving historical heritage.

On May 29-30, 2022, the director of the Rukhaniyat Research Centre of Bolashaq Academy, a member of the scientific-expert group of the APK of Karaganda region and the Working Group of the State Commission on the full rehabilitation of victims of political repressions, A.U. Aupenova as a speaker with a report on “Rehabilitation and perpetuation of victims of political repressions in Kazakhstan” took part in the forum “Political repressions: lessons of history and the present” in the framework of the international project “Tarikhtan tagylym – Otkenge tagzym” (“Memory for the future”) which was held in Arkalyk (Kostanai region).

Форум собрал представителей научного и общественного сообщества Республики Казахстан,зарубежных исследователей, потомков репрессированных, членов Ассамблеи народа Казахстана, а также представителей этнокультурных объединений.

Первый день работы Международного форума: «Политические репрессии: уроки истории и современность» начался с посещения мавзолея Кейки Батыра. Также участники форума ознакомились с проектом «Ауылым – алтын бесігім», который реализуется детско-юношеским центром «Жас Ұлан» г. Аркалык. Гости форума посетили спектакль по произведению А. Байтурсынова «Не жазып ем?» (постановка Аркалыкского областного казахского театра юного зрителя).

The forum gathered representatives of the scientific and public community of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign researchers, descendants of the repressed, members of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan as well as representatives of ethno-cultural associations.

The first day of the International Forum: “Political Repressions: Lessons of History and Modernity” began with a visit to the Keiki Batyr Mausoleum. Also participants of a forum have familiarized with the project “Auylym – altyn besigim” which is realized by the children’s and youth centre “Zhas Ulan” of the city of Arkalyk. The guests of the forum attended the performance based on the work of A. Baitursynov “Ne zhazip em?” (staged by the Arkalyk Regional Kazakh Theatre for Young Spectators).

On 30 May the forum participants took part in the ceremony of laying bouquets of flowers at the monument of A. Baitursynov.

A plenary session and panel sessions were held at Altynsarin Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute.

The project “Memory for the sake of future” is one of the corner stones of formation of open modern historical consciousness of the people of independent Kazakhstan. The activities carried out within the framework of the project act as a powerful unifying factor, creating a solid foundation for peace and harmony for all ethnic groups in our republic. This is the ideological meaning of the project and a subject for research.More information about the forum is available at the following link:

Director of the Rukhaniyat Research Centre A. U. Aupenova

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