On May 27, 2021 the director of SRC “Rukhaniyat” A. Aupenova as a speaker took part in the scientific-practical conference “Repression and Famine in Kazakhstan: the tragedy of the people and lessons of history” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Karlag, 90 years of mass starvation in […]
Center for Scientific Research, Humane Pedagogy and Pedagogical Mentoring
On May 26, 2021 the director of Rukhaniyat Center A. Aupenova took part in a scientific-practical conference “Tarikhtan tagylym – Oktkenge taғzym” dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of victims of political repressions and famine. At the conference, held online, speeches were made by well-known Kazakh scientists, among them the […]
From June 29 to July 12, 2018, the State Gulag History Museum and the Memory Foundation, as part of international cooperation, filmed interviews with Kazakh survivors of mass repression. The filming of the project “My Gulag” took place in Kazakhstan, including Karaganda. With the assistance of Bolashaq Academy staff, contacts […]
“Art knows no boundaries. At all times and in all countries it served the ideals of goodness, love, justice, and affirmed high moral values. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in preserving cultural diversity, national identity, folk traditions, and fostering love for one’s homeland and history”.Olzhas Suleimenov. […]
The department of foreign languages and intercultural communication completed a series of curatorial hours in the framework of the national program “Rukhani Zhangyru”. Oriented on revival of spiritual values of Kazakhstani people taking into account all modern risks and calls of globalization, it is urged to keep national identity, to […]
“Rukhaniyat” center of the academy “Bolashaq” together with postcrossers of Karaganda city (participants of Postcrossing project, created to get postcards from all over the world) and Karaganda military historical club “Sogys tarikhy” prepared memorable postcard for the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The club of military-historical […]
On April 30, 2021 the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the International Institute of Central Asia (IICA), the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan held in the Memorial Complex “Victory Park” the scientific-practical conference “The Second World War in the history and memory […]
According to the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N. Nazarbayev of October 18, 1995 since 1996 on May 1 the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates one of the kind and brightest holidays – the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. On October […]
On April 29, 2021 the department of Foreign languages and intercultural communication held the curatorial hour on the theme “The sacral geography of Kazakhstan” online at the platform Zoom. This curatorial hour was spent within the limits of the program “Rukhani kazyna” on realization of the special project “Spiritual sanctuaries […]
On the 24th of April the XXIII International inter-university student scientific conference “The culture of scientific and professional and business communication” was held at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in the online regime. The Center of humane pedagogics of “Bolashaq” Academy in Karaganda co-organized this International scientific-practical conference from […]
On March 26-27, 2021 the director of SIC “Rukhaniyat Academy “Bolashaq”, member of Karaganda region ANK NEG, member of Karaganda regional tourist club, M.S, member of the Working Group of the State Commission on the full rehabilitation of victims of political repressions A.U. Aupenova took part as a speaker in […]
On March 5, 2021 the Center of a humanistic pedagogics of Academy “Bolashaq” Karaganda the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Russian University of friendship of the people (Moscow, the Russian Federation) carried out the joint International scientific and methodical seminar: “Actual problems of polycultural education in XXI century”. The […]
On March 2, 2021 members of the Scientific-Expert Group of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Karaganda region, vice-rector for strategic development G.M. Rysmagambetova and director of “Rukhaniyat A. U. Aupenova took part in the meeting of the NES APK in the House of Friendship on the […]
In the Academy “Bolashaq” among all educational programs a lecture on the theme “Gratitude is a sign of nobleness of soul” dedicated to the Gratitude Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.Aim: education of students the spirit of patriotism, respect to the history and culture of Kazakhstan, commitment to […]
Students of Bolashaq Academy took part in the dialogue platform “Gratitude is a sign of nobleness of soul” dedicated to the Gratitude Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The student of the group IN-19-1 Goryunova Alexandra made a report “March 1 – the Gratitude Day”. March 1 is the Thanksgiving […]