Dialogue platform “Gratitude is a sign of nobility of soul”, dedicated to the Day of Gratitude in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Students of Bolashaq Academy took part in the dialogue platform “Gratitude is a sign of nobleness of soul” dedicated to the Gratitude Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The student of the group IN-19-1 Goryunova Alexandra made a report “March 1 – the Gratitude Day”.

March 1 is the Thanksgiving Day in Kazakhstan. This day we not only meet the long-awaited spring, but also say a huge “Thank you” to everyone who deserves it. This year, spring came to us with heavy snowfalls and blizzards. In just a couple of days we had a month’s worth of precipitation in our area. People couldn’t get out of town for work, and many were stuck on the highways in the blizzard waiting for emergency services. Ambulances were also unable to get to the scene of calls due to snow blocked entrances to yards. Because of the bad weather there was a sharp increase in injuries and more than a dozen people received frostbite of varying severity. And although in our country this situation repeats every year, this year’s Thanksgiving Day coincided with adverse weather conditions. So I want to express my gratitude to everyone involved in saving the most important thing – human lives. Many thanks to all the medical workers and road service workers! Thank you for your dedication and kindness. You are the Heroes of modern reality!

Danila Shilets, a student of group IN-18-1, made a report on the feeling of gratitude:

Gratitude is a sign of a noble soul. A person who is sincerely grateful to another person shows respect to this person. The feeling of gratitude is the result of logical research, so a person feels gratitude only to those whom he/she considers necessary, which means that the sense of duty prevails in a person, otherwise why should he provoke himself/herself to feel gratitude to another, based only on a warm emotional attitude, which he/she is not going to convert into material good for the person he/she is grateful to?

Can a person who does not feel the need to be indebted to someone be moral? No, rather, such a person is selfish, mercenary, and self-serving, and therefore associative. Hence we come from the opposite, that nobility is a sign of a noble soul.

Lyubov Bychek, a student of IN-19-1, made a report on the topic of the dialogue platform:



“Life is great in the beginning, in every moment, but people are too consumed with themselves and their thoughts to enjoy it. Without realizing it, we reject the gratitude that life itself gives us. Man is a living being with a body, a soul and a spirit. The soul is the inner world of man, what he feels, what he breathes, what he lives. The human spirit is the consciousness of what drives us to action, determining our behavior. A person needs a long period of time to gain life experience. V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “A man must not only be born, a man must become!”

Gratitude is a value in people’s lives because at that moment a person develops spiritually. Living in gratitude to everyone and everything a person lives in harmony with himself. Gratitude is necessary for everyone, because it increases the amount of goodness on Earth. Gratitude is exercised in a variety of situations, be it difficulties, psychological wounds. In my opinion, a grateful person should have such qualities as altruism, unselfishness, and mercy. We can encounter such noble deeds in life. As an example, we can take L.N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Old Grandfather and the Grandson” which teaches since childhood that we should be grateful, give good and kind, not only with words, but also with deeds. After all, the ability to be grateful is a gift. Life examples that happen to us all the time such as the boy who takes an old lady across the street, the man who gives way to a lady, the man who donates his savings to charity, the soldier who sacrifices his life to save others – all these are noble people. Sincerely thanking, we are freed from negativity and come to peace of mind and happiness. Say words of gratitude to people close to you just for being there. And in general, it is advisable to thank every person in your life, at least mentally. As Margaret Mitchell wrote: “Life does not have to give us what we expect from it. We should take what it gives and be thankful that it is so, not worse.

Seda Taymazova, student of the group IN-19-1, made a report on the Gratitude Day.

“Gratitude is a sign of nobility of soul” – these are the words of the legendary poet Aesop. And it’s impossible to disagree with them. When we receive help from someone, the least we can do in return is to be grateful. For some things it is impossible to repay anything but this deep and precious feeling.

For example, I am grateful to my parents for all they did to give me a bright future. It took a lot of years and health and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay them fully for it. But they themselves know how much it means to me.

A sense of gratitude doesn’t have to be for other people. One can be grateful for today, for family and friends, for the opportunities of life. We all have to learn to enjoy the little things in life and be truly grateful, because that’s what makes us good and happy people.


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