Participation in the training scientific and methodological webinar with international participation

On March 26-27, 2021 the director of SIC “Rukhaniyat Academy “Bolashaq”, member of Karaganda region ANK NEG, member of Karaganda regional tourist club, M.S, member of the Working Group of the State Commission on the full rehabilitation of victims of political repressions A.U. Aupenova took part as a speaker in the Republican training scientific and methodological webinar with international participation “Cooperation of ANK departments with museums and archives to preserve historical memories (on the example of universities of Karaganda region)” with the report “About cooperation with the museum of GULAG (from experience of work of “Bolashaq” Academy).

The results of the webinar are available on the website of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University at the following link:

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