9-10 апреля в Костанайском региональном университете имени Ахмета Байтурсынова прошел республиканский дебатный турнир «PARASAT CUP-2022» на тему: «Балалар жылы: Келешектің тұтқасы білімді ұрпақта». On April 9-10 at Akhmet Baitursynov Kostanai regional university held national debate tournament “PARASAT CUP-2022” on the theme: “Balalar zhyly: Keleshektіn tutkasy bіlіmdі urpaqta”. The Bolashaq […]
Student achievements
Buketov Karaganda University held a regional student essay contest “Rukhani zhangyru – the heritage of Alash Orda” conducted within the framework of “Rukhani zhengyru”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynuly. Arman Merdenov, the student of the group U-18-2 took part from our Academy under the scientific advising of […]
On the 5th of April in E. A. Buketov Karaganda University was held Republican intellectual game in format “Brain-ring” among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on theme “Independence is the most expensive “. There were 21 teams participating in the intellectual game. Bolashaq Academy was represented by […]
From March 23 to 25, 2022 in Petropavlovsk the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on hand-to-hand fighting among juniors. Athletes from all regions competed for the right to compete in the international arena. More than 300 athletes took part in the championship of the country. The purpose […]
Regional Spring and Beauty Contest “Koktem aruy – 2022” was held on March 30 in Karaganda. Female students of colleges and universities competed for the title of the best. Erudition, artistry and ingenuity. These criteria competed participants in the annual contest “Koktem aruy – 2022. Age of the girls from […]
From 10.03 to 18.03.2022 year in Karaganda XVI Student Games for prizes of akim of the Karaganda region. During two weeks students competed for medals in the winter all-round events, kazak kuresi, chess, table tennis, skiing, skating, track and field, indoor football, etc. Bolashaq Academy team achieved the following successes: […]
February 25, under the project, aimed at identifying the best innovative projects of young scientists, creating a single unifying platform to identify and promote students who are actively involved in research, creativity, student government, sports and development of science and education, a third-year student of Bolashaq Academy Marlen Kozhakhmetov was […]
On February, 20th, 2022 the tournament “Cup of the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan – 2022” within the limits of intellectual game “Zakovat” was conducted in Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students teams of our Academy, Astana Medical […]
The 3rd year students of the Bolashaq Academy Department of Legal Disciplines (Abilzhanov Adilet Ju-19-2, Kanapia Aliya Ju-19-2) were awarded for their active participation in the activities of the organization Alliance of Kazakhstan Students. In turn, the executive director of the organization Azat Tengebaev thanked the students for their activity […]
On February 10 in the House of students Committee on youth affairs held traditional annual field day “I LOVE KARAGANDA”, devoted to 88 anniversary of Karaganda. The program of sport holiday included 5 sports: kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, a checkers and darts. More than 30 students measured their strength. Results […]
Our Academy has always been famous for its talented and promising students and graduates. This year was no exception, we interviewed Adil Tleuberdinov (Ju-21-1). Adil is only 18 years old, but it did not prevent him from achieving high results in sports. He has been practicing hand-to-hand fighting since he […]
In the beginning of January were summed up the results of the students’ conference “Topical Questions of European Law and the Law of the Council of Europe”. The event took place from December 22 to 24, 2021 in the online format. It was organized by MGIMO and the European Training […]
December 21, in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Karaganda Regional Department of Youth Policy and Karaganda regional branch of the Writers’ Union held a poetry duel on the theme “Azattyk, netken gаzhap en! More than 50 young poets took part […]
In Bolashaq Academy for the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan essay competition on the theme: “Eli suigen, elin suigen Elbasy” was held. The purpose of the competition: popularization, development of essays among students, formation of spiritual, moral, patriotic virtues. According to the results of […]
Bolashaq Academy students won prizes in the national contest organized by the intellectual educational portal “ABYROY” on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Старший преподаватель кафедры “казахский язык и литература” Абылбаева Б. А. получила благодарственное письмо за активное участие и организацию творческой работы […]