“You cannot love work without learning to respect it, and you cannot learn to respect it without taking it seriously, devoting all your interest and all your strength to it. Only by giving the best that is within us can we receive the best that work can offer.” Vladimir Afanasyevich […]
Академия "Bolashaq"
As part of the planned event in the framework of the psychological-pedagogical and inclusive work plan, on October 27, 2023, at the branch located in School No. 86 in Karaganda, a meeting with the school psychologist and an introductory tour of the inclusion support room were conducted. The event was […]
At Bolashaq Academy, there is a heartwarming tradition that has been in place for several years. The Academy’s leadership distributes a sufficient quantity of the autumn harvest of vegetables to the faculty, staff, and students residing in the dormitories. Approximately in September, the work of harvesting vegetables begins. The harvest […]
The struggle for women’s rights has not lost its relevance even in the 21st century. What does “feminism” encompass, and why does it continue to attract a significant number of researchers? Today, we will delve into these and other topics with our guest, Ilona Salnikova, a first-year student majoring in […]
Erbolat Tulebayev has achieved a significant milestone in his academic journey by successfully defending his doctoral dissertation. He can now proudly hold the title of “Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)” in the field of Pharmacy. Erbolat Abibillaevich is currently employed at the Medical University of Karaganda, specifically in the School of […]
The advisor-led meeting on the theme “100 years since the birth of Muzafar Alimbayev” was conducted on October 27, 2023, by Abilzhan Altynai Bolatqyzy, a Master of Pedagogical Sciences and a Senior Lecturer from the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. Students from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years […]
On the 26th of October, Dr. Kuur S. G. from the Academy conducted a lecture for first-year students on the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza. Each one of you has experienced respiratory infections like ARVI and the flu at some point in your life. You’re aware […]
On October 24, 2023, an event dedicated to the Republic Day was held at the student residence of Bolashaq Academy. The event was organized by Professor Tazhinin A.M. from the Department of Pedagogy. The goal of the event was nurturing a sense of patriotism and love for the homeland. During […]
In the competition ‘Kazakhstan, My Immence Country’ held at Bilqas Saghynov Karaganda Technical University, student Zhuragat Aymaral from K-20-1 group showed outstanding talents and secured 1st place. Supervisor: Associate Professor Rustem Khasenuly Abdrakhmanov! We wholeheartedly congratulate the winner!
Love for one’s homeland begins with a love for its nature. This is because the nature closest to our feelings is the nature of the place where you were born. It is essential to love and appreciate the beauty that nature bestows upon us, especially the places we’ve cherished since […]
On October 20, 2023, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, R.R. Ganeyev, organized and conducted an advisor-led meeting with first-year students from groups ИН-23-1,2. During this event, a brief overview of the significant day’s historical facts was provided. Students were asked questions based on the […]
On October 20, 2023, the Regional Blood Center, a state institution, organized a Donor Day at Bolashaq Academy. Eighteen students and seven Academy staff members donated blood. Did you know that the word “Donare” stands for “giving a gift” in Latin? Indeed, donation is the selfless act of giving one’s […]
On October 20, at Bolashaq Academy, a Student Initiation Ceremony took place for the first-year students. The lovely event began with a congratulatory speech by the Rector of our Academy, Ms. R.G. Musiyevna. The event proceeded with a ceremony in which first-year students took an oath. The first-year students pledged […]
On October 24th, a concert event dedicated to Republic Day took place at Bolashaq Academy. The concert commenced with the national anthem and continued with warm greetings from the Academy’s Rector, G.M. Rysmagambetova. The festive event continued with a solemn presentation of letters of gratitude from the academy and honorary […]
On the 17th of November 2023, in Almaty, an international scientific and theoretical conference was held in honor of the 85th anniversary of Philosophy Doctor, Professor Sabit Murat Sabituly. The Conference took place at the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies on the topic ‘Kazakhstani Dialectical Logic School: […]