12/15/2023. under the guidance of senior teacher of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the BOLASHAQ Academy, adviser Zhanuzakhova K.K., in group K-20-1 there was an adviser hour meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the meeting was to cultivate a […]
Академия "Bolashaq"
On December 15, 2023, the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication carried out career guidance work with final 3-4-year students of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College named after. Alikhana Musina (Balkhash). A graduate of the Academy, and now a 2nd year master’s student of the EP “Foreign Language: […]
On December 4th, the group advisor L.M. Zhunusova conducted a meeting with the students of Ю-21-2 group. During the the meeting, information about the life of Abylai Khan, the historical periods of the formation of the Khanate, books and publications about Abylai Khan that have recently come out were thoroughly […]
On December 4th, Bolashaq Academy used to host a competition called “We Seek Talents!” with the aim of identifying talented young individuals. This year, a new event called “Debut” has taken place instead of the annual competition, continuing the tradition of recognizing and showcasing talents. The purpose of the event […]
On October 4, 2023, students of group K-23-1, K-22-1 of the Educational Program 6B01701-Kazakh Language and Literature of Bolashaq Academy under the leadership of N.K. Kasetova were given an educational hour on the topic “Drug Addiction is the Disease of the Century.” During the event, student of group K-23-1 Tolegen […]
“The family is the primary social environment that teaches a person kindness”. The decline of humanistic qualities, the diminishing influence of upbringing among families, is evident in the current society. Family and family well-being are the most essential factors shaping the life of any individual. The formation of a person […]
December 5th – International Volunteer Day On December 4th, the leadership of the youth volunteers in the city of Karaganda was officially appointed by the city administration. The achievements and successes of volunteers in the city of Karaganda were summarized. The head of the Internal Policy Department of Karaganda city […]
On December 2, 2023, in Moscow, the XXV International Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Communicative Culture of a Specialist in a Multicultural Space’ took place online in Russian. The conference was organized by the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), the Institute of Russian Language at RUDN, the […]
The faculty members of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines participated in the International Congress ‘Global Health,’ held on December 1, 2023. The congress was organized by the Kazakh Medical University ‘Higher School of Public Health’ with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in collaboration […]
On December 1, 2023, students from the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines organized a roundtable discussion on the topics ‘Prevention of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Viral Infections (ARVI)’ and ‘Prevention of AIDS’ at the Student Residence. Currently, this issue is highly relevant. Despite being a seemingly well-known and widespread topic, some […]
The regular meeting of the psychological club ‘PersonalityPlus’ brought together students from various educational programs, including ‘Pedagogy and Psychology,’ ‘Jurisprudence,’ and ‘Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages’. The president of the psychological club ‘PersonalityPlus,’ Sofia Khussainova, emphasized that any science exists beyond gender, but is still shaped by both men and […]
A meeting of volunteers of the academic charitable foundation ‘Meyirim’ was held within the walls of Bolashaq Academy. During the meeting the theme ‘Charity is a Goal at Any Age’ was discussed, and the set objectives were considered. Participants shared new ideas and discussed events that need to be organized. […]
On December 1, the poetic club Ghumyrdarya (Kazakh “Ғұмырдария”) organized an intellectual game dedicated to the 165th anniversary of Shakarim Kudaibergenuly: “Shakarim Through the Ages”. More details… The game consisted of 3 stages: 1st stage – Shakarim’s heritage 2nd stage – “Logical Questions” section 3rd stage – magic of poetry […]
On November 30, the pharmaceutical company Avita held an educational seminar on the topic: “Cough: A New Look at an Old Problem” for general practitioners, pulmonologists, allergists, otolaryngologists, pediatricians, and doctors from other specialties dealing with this issue. Teachers from the Pharmaceutical Disciplines Department were also invited to the seminar. […]
As part of the work plan of the Psychological Service and Club “Know Yourself” , a training session on the topic “Being in Harmony with Oneself” was held on November 30, 2023. The training was conducted by Alua Sabitovna Abdrahmanova with the goal of introducing students to ways of relieving […]