November 24, 2021 at 14.00, the Department of Pharmaceutical disciplines holds a roundtable discussion on “The wealth of the state – the health of the people. The following reports will be presented to the attention of participants: Begaidarova Roza Khasanovna, professor emeritus of the department of infectious diseases and phthisiology […]
Yearly archives: 2021
On the 19th of November, 2021 there was a meeting of “Bolashaq” Academy Rector Kuralbay Nesipbekovich Menlibayev with the faculty of the Preschool Teaching and Upbringing Department. During the meeting, they discussed the training of students as well as the passage of practices, preparation for exams and other issues. On […]
A series of information events with experts and specialists in the field of housing and savings and educational deposits, IPO, pension asset management, etc. is held within the project to promote financial literacy among young people in Karaganda Region.We invite you to take part in the event, subject: “Changes in […]
At present the abundance of corruption facts does not leave indifferent every intelligent citizen no matter in what sphere of society he/she is. The new political course of the country puts corruption in the category of direct threat to national security and directs the state and society to combine efforts […]
On the 17th of November a meeting was held at our Academy with representatives of religious associations. The meeting was attended by the dean of the Karaganda church district Archpriest Ugolkov Alexander Nikolaevich and the imam of Bala-Kazhi Mosque Amanzholov Sultan Mouratovich. The meeting was with students. The meeting had […]
As the events devoted to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 16th of November 2021 the chair “Finance” conducted an intellectual quiz “Foreign currency – tauelsizdіgіzdіn nynyshany” dedicated to the Day of National Currency. At the beginning of the event with a welcoming speech to the […]
Today is a big holiday – International Students’ Day, a holiday celebrated by students around the world. Kazakhstan also celebrates this holiday on November 17. Let’s start with the history of this holiday and end with a greeting. On November 17, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Prague, a group of Czech student […]
November 13, 2021 in a specialized boarding school named after N. Nurmakov Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich on the invitation of the regional scientific-methodical center “Saryarka Daryny” took part in the regional stage of the contest of research works of students, as chairman of the […]
November 15 – Day of Kazakhstan national currency and professional holiday of the financial system of the country. November 12, 1993 there was a decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On introduction of national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. That, by the way, also allowed the […]
On November 12 online there was held the regular meeting of the Board of curators with the participation of the Vice-rector G.M. Rysmagambetova. At the meeting was discussed the realization of the curators Board plan for the school year, the role of curators in education of civil outlook and patriotic […]
Practice-oriented teaching is the key to successful education of students.On the 10th of November 2021 there was a meeting of students of groups Ju-20-1 and Ju-20-1k with a private court bailiff of executive district of Karaganda region Sayakhat Mukhametkalievich Akhmetzhanov. The aim of this event is practice-oriented teaching of students […]
Acceptance of applications for the Youth Award of Karaganda City Akim “Nur Qadam – 2021” contest has started. The prize is awarded for high performances in the scientific, creative, sports, professional and social activities, the official site of the akimat of the Karaganda region. Young people of Karaganda aged from […]
Jas Fund” Fund to support gifted youth of Karaganda Region announces the start of accepting applications for the best social projects contest among Yard Teen Clubs of Karaganda Region.The contest is aimed at rendering material support to Yard Clubs of Karaganda Region, the activities of which are aimed at organizing […]
В рамках проекта по формированию финансовой грамотности среди молодежи в Карагандинской области проводится серия информационных мероприятий с экспертами и специалистами в области жилищно-сберегательных и образовательных депозитов, IPO, управления пенсионными активами и др.Финансовая грамотность — это не только умения распределять свои денежные средства, но и обладание навыками, необходимыми в успешном трудоустройстве.Мы […]
The seminar, organized by the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, will take place on November 18 at 13:30. The theme of the seminar is “Digitalization: WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN TRAINING”. The speakers from the department are senior teachers Maryshkina Taisia Vladimirovna and Pitimirova Tatyana Vladimirovna. During the seminar […]