As the events devoted to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 16th of November 2021 the chair “Finance” conducted an intellectual quiz “Foreign currency – tauelsizdіgіzdіn nynyshany” dedicated to the Day of National Currency.

At the beginning of the event with a welcoming speech to the participants and participants were acted by candidate of economic sciences, professor Daribekova A.S. and vice-rector for social and educational work Ismailova R.N.
Student of group F-18-1 Kisina Zarema made presentation “National currency of Kazakhstan”.

Altynbek Ayazhan, student of group F-21-2 and Tanashev Zhanat, student of group F-19-2k were masters of the quiz.

5 teams of different specialties took part in the quiz:
- jurisprudence
- Pharmacy
- Kazakh language and literature
Foreign language
Pedagogy and Psychology, Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education.

The quiz consisted of three rounds:
1 round – Question-Answer. The teams were offered to answer 15 questions;
2nd round – Tasks – solved 5 financial problems;
Round 3 – Guess the Word – the teams had to guess financial and economic terms after their explanation by one of the team members.
The results of the quiz are as follows:
1st place was won by the team “Tenge” OP “Pharmacy”;
2nd place – the team “Ecvitos” OP “Jurisprudence”;
3rd place – the team “Kyrandar” OP Kazakh language and literature
All teams were awarded with certificates of participants, and the winning team – with a sweet prize in the form of a cake.