On November 23rd, 2021 the chairman of the organization GULAG.CZ from Czech Republic Šťepán Černoušek visited our university. Because this organization investigates the problem of repression and camps. Therefore, an interest in books published as part of the project “Karlag: Memory for the Future” is understandable. He took the time […]
Yearly archives: 2021
On November 18, 2021 the teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication held a seminar “Digitalization: Web 2.0 tools in education”. Senior lecturers of the department Maryshkina T.V. and Pitirimova T.V. shared with the students the potential of the following tools: Cogle, Canva, Pomidoro applications, Padlet, […]
В 2021 году Казахстан отмечает 30 лет Независимости. За эти 30 лет Казахстан стал In 2021 Kazakhstan will celebrate 30 years of Independence. During these 30 years Kazakhstan has become a stable state with sustainable development, implementing a peaceful foreign policy and known in the international arena. In connection with […]
Roza Jiembaevna Shaltaeva, associate professor of pre-school education and upbringing, prepared for the Republican distance competition organized by the intellectual portal “Abyroy”, students enrolled in the educational program 6B01301 “pedagogy and methods of primary education,” PMNO-18-2 Sanat Akmaral, Sovetova Aiaulym (Best Script). The purpose of the competition is to increase […]
A truly momentous event for fans of print media. “Qaraǵandy habary” was the name of the new newspaper, edited by Lazzat Kozhakhmetova. This unique publication is the first press in Karaganda, which is published in the state language.The citizens of Karaganda will be able to read the latest news of […]
24 ноября 2021 года кафедрой фармацевтических дисциплин Академии «Bolashaq» в рамках программы духовного возрождения был проведен круглый стол «Богатство государства – здоровье народа» Организаторы круглого стола Темиреева К. С. и Тукубаева Г. Н. В November 24, 2021 the department of pharmaceutical disciplines, Academy of “Bolashaq”, under the spiritual revival program […]
The regional management on development of languages within the limits of the program “Ruhani zhangyru” and to the 30 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan has defined prize-winners of regional literary – creative competition of young writers and masters of publicism named after Akseleu Seydimbek. This year about […]
On November 24, 2021 the Committee on the constitutional legislation, judicial system and law enforcement bodies of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the round table on the issue of improving the quality of legal education. In work of round table took part the senators, heads of departments […]
November meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus” which gathered students and graduate students of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology” is dedicated to the personality of an unusually interesting scientist who entered the history of psychological science as a star and at the same time is endlessly modern today […]
Employees of the Academy “Bolashaq” were trained in fire safety in the volume of fire safety minimum and knowledge of fire safety for managers and those responsible for fire safety of the Academy facilities. Training was conducted in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the […]
On the 24th of November a meeting with underage students of the Academy was held. Vice-rector for strategic development Rysmagambetova G.M., a doctor of the Academy Kuur S.G. explained to students about the need for vaccination. Answered the questions of students. Sheets of consent (or refusal) from vaccination, which should […]
The main purpose is the development and popularization of volunteerism, the promotion of ideas of voluntary work for the benefit of society and the involvement of young people in solving socially significant problems. Who can take partYoung people from 16 to 35 years old from all over Kazakhstan may participate […]
The contest of student and master’s scientific works is held in order toDevelopment of students and undergraduates research skillsand searching creativity, involvement of students and undergraduates to research activity, to realization of social orders ondevelopment of the Kazakhstani society and its education sphere on the basis ofinnovative technologies and selection […]
Representatives of the Anti-Corruption Agency conducted a survey Представители департамента Агентства по противодействию коррупции провели анкетирование