The main purpose is the development and popularization of volunteerism, the promotion of ideas of voluntary work for the benefit of society and the involvement of young people in solving socially significant problems.

Who can take part
Young people from 16 to 35 years old from all over Kazakhstan may participate in the contest.
Young people can apply in the following categories:
“Volunteer Project of the Year”;
“Best Student Project”;
“Activist of the Year MK “Jas Otan”;
“Young Hero”;
“Volunteer of the Year”;
“For the best promotion of volunteering in social networks”;
“The best regional branch of MK “Jas Otan”.
You can find the application criteria at
Applications will be accepted from November 17 to 28, 2021 by e-mail
Winners will be awarded cash prizes
Don’t miss this opportunity to tell your country about yourself!
For any additional questions + 77071057973 Abylaihan
Calls can only be taken until 6:30 pm.