Round table on the topic: “Youth in science: problems and prospects of development”.

2 ноября 2022 года в Карагандинском университете Казпотребсоюза быд проведен круглый стол на тему: «Молодежь в науке: проблемы и перспективы развития».

Модераторы круглого стола: Магистр, ст.преподаватель Е.С. Абиев и доктор философии phD, ст.преподаватель А.М. Тынгишева

The purpose of the round table: discussion of the problems of the development of youth science in new conditions

Tasks of the round table:

– attracting students and young scientists to expand scientific ties and develop creative potential

– expansion and deepening of links between research activities, business and government agencies

– coverage of issues related to the support of scientific research of young scientists

– popularization of scientific activities of young people

During the round table, the PPS and students met with the doctors, related to the problems of Youth Science development. “The following documents were presented:” “science and technology create modern civilization”“,”” support for technological startups in Kazakhstan””, “”modern trends of science development “”role of human capital in the development of Economics””, “”role of university science in the implementation of sustainable development “” and Dr.”

“I don’t know,” he said.:

Certified coach (Erickson College Coaching International, Canada, Vancouver), official representative “Prof-dialog”, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). T. K. Tasbulatova

Chairman of the Council of young scientists of the bolashaq Academy, teacher, Master of pedagogical science Tazhinin a.m.

Deputy director of the Department of Academic Development, K. E. N., professor Kalkabayeva G. M.

Head of the business incubator Innovation Cluster Nazarbayev University NURIS, MBA, Upasheva A. A.

Almaty University of energy and Communications named after G. Daukeyeva, master Kalabaeva Aidana Ergalievna

Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, chairman of the Council of young scientists, Police Captain, master Kulintai Monay

Deputy chairman of the Council of young scientists of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, master Arman Tutkushev\

Deputy director of the Department of Academic Development, K. E. N., professor Kalkabaeva Gaukhar Muratovna

Expert on state procurement, PhD Kopzhasarova Gaukhar Amangeldievna

Karagandinsky University Kazpotrebsoyuz, master, senior teacher of the Department” law regulation of economic relations ” Sarbasov Begzat Atarkulovich

Student of Karaganda University of kazpotrebsoyuz Uzakhova Bibinur Amankeldievna

Student of Karaganda University of kazpotrebsoyuz Kutzhanova Diana Timurovna

Student of Karaganda University of kazpotrebsoyuz Kalysova Gulnaz Sagadolovna

Student of Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuza Irtysbaeva Aruzhan Almasovna

The reports were informative, scientifically grounded, consistent, students and teaching staff asked questions to speakers with reports. In general, the round table was quite interesting, it contained topical issues of the development of youth science. Moderators: Master, Senior lecturer E.S. Abiev and PhD, senior lecturer A.M. Tyngisheva thanked all those present for their active participation in the round table.

At the end of the event, certificates were awarded to the participants of the round table

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