On 26th of November was held the meeting of students’ scientific circle “Adilet” on the theme: “Actual issues of advocacy in the criminal process.
The meeting of the study group was held by the docent of the department of legal disciplines, the member of the Karaganda regional Bar Association Ospanova G.S.

At the session the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About lawyer activity and legal aid”, the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were considered.
The participants of the session of the cooperative circle discussed the actual questions of organization of lawyer activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan, tactical bases of lawyer activity in criminal process, and also guarantees of lawyer activity and professional rules of behavior of the lawyer.
G.S. Ospanova shared her personal experience of participation in criminal proceedings, answered questions of participants of the session about ethical bases and principles of lawyer activity.
The meeting of the club was held in a relaxed atmosphere, the question of moral and psychological training of lawyers was of particular interest for the participants.
At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that the students should further study the legal, ethical, tactical and organizational foundations of advocacy.