The Kazakh people, who have always taken care of everything, have always believed that the beauty of a girl is hair, and the decoration of hair is sholps. In national culture, every girl was judged by her hair and appearance.

Women’s hair by its nature is divided into long thick, silky hair, “single braids”, “double braids”. Gold and silver jewelry suspended from the hair (sholpas) will further emphasize the beauty of the girl.

On 15.03, a Hair Braiding contest was held among girls at the Bolashaq Academy
All departments and departments took part in this competition. Since braided hair demonstrates the good manners of a Kazakh girl, the participants of the competition on the basis of the event identified and awarded girls with various pigtail patterns, at the end of the event, girls worthy of the nomination “Burymdy Kyz” were identified and awarded.
According to the results of the competition:
1st place-I. S.Zhuken (Department of Mutual Fund)

2nd place – Satybaldina Zh.E. (SKKO)

3rd place – Kosmanova A.B. (Department of Pedogogy)

In general, the event achieved its goal: to respect and exalt national traditions, to give girls an understanding of the beauty given by nature, to guide them to a respectful, ethical and moral attitude.
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