In order to support teachers of educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to determine the best teachers and pupils of schools, teachers and students of colleges and higher educational institutions of the country, the National Innovation Research Center “Bilim – orkenieti” together with the Committee of Science of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Institute of History of the State, as well as the Center for Education Renewal of Nur – Sultan organized the first Republican Olympiad on scientific project and essay writing.

The aim and objectives of the Olympiad:
– To promote the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” oriented to the revival of spiritual values of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
– actualization of the significance of the national heritage of the educator I. Altynsarin in the modern society;
– development at schoolchildren and students of scientific thinking and motivation for scientific research activity.

From the Academy “Bolashaq” under the guidance of Professor of the Department of pre-school and primary education Zh.M. Akparova were students of the 1st year (after college) educational programs: “Pedagogy and methods of primary education” – Zholzhaksy Buldirgen, Serikbaeva Zhazira Asylseitkyzy, Agnaeva Assem Erkinkyzy; “Pre-school education and upbringing” – Myrzakhanova Ainaz Sagitovna; “Pedagogy and psychology” Satan Zere Rymkankyzy, Mukhtarova Aigerim Zhasulanovna.

By results of 2 rounds students of Academy “Bolashaq” took the 1st place and were awarded by the diploma of 1 degree, a breastplate, the certificate and a collection of scientific projects and essays.