A scientific seminar on amnesty was held in the Republic of Kazakhstan

On November 09, 2022, in the light of the announced amnesty for the January events, on the basis of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines, a scientific seminar on the topic: “Legal mechanism for the implementation of amnesty in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems and prospects for improvement”.

The purpose of the scientific seminar is to discuss the current problems of implementing the amnesty for the January events of 02.11.2022. The main task is to comprehensively study, on a legal basis, amnesty as an independent institution of exemption from punishment, its criminal law and social effectiveness, the practice of application in institutions executing punishment, and the formulation of proposals for improving the legal regulation of this institution. Also, the development of unambiguous recommendations from colleagues on the practice of applying amnesty in an improved format.

Keynote speakers:

Kabzhanov A.T. Head of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines at the Bolashaq Academy

Topic of the report: “Amnesty for the January events – an act of implementation ideas of humanism and good will”

Abdizhami A.Zh. Professor at the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines of the Bolashaq Academy

Topic of the report: “Institute of amnesty and humanization of the criminal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Kazanaeva Liliya 1st year undergraduate OP Jurisprudence

Topic of the report: “Comparative analysis of the amnesty used in the history of Independent Kazakhstan.”

The event was held at a high scientific and theoretical level. There was a reasonable dialogue. Recommendations have been developed on the practice of using amnesty in the educational process.

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