The branch of JSC NCPC “Orleu” Institute of Professional Development in the Karaganda region on April 7, 2023 held an open day for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Karaganda region. By official invitation, our students of the graduation groups of the Bolashaq Academy of educational […]
Daily archives: 07.04.2023
On April 3, 2023, a meeting on career guidance with a senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Bolashaq Academy Abylbaeva B. A. on the topic “Experience of the teaching path” was held at the Karaganda Humanitarian Higher College of the Kazybekbi district of Karaganda. […]
On April 6, 2023, as part of career guidance work, the executive secretary of the admissions committee organized and held a meeting with graduates of the Karaganda Higher Humanitarian College. The meeting was also attended by teachers Orazgalieva F.Sh., Kabylbaeva B.A., Bakaramova S.A. Information was provided about the main competitive […]
On April 7, in the House of students of the Bolashaq Academy, the psychologist of the Regional Mental Health Center Kiryanova A.A. held a lecture on the topic: “Don’t drive yourself into a narcotic hell.” Students of 1-4 courses of the hostel took part. – Unfortunately, among the citizens suffering […]
05.04.2023 senior lecturer of the Department of IA and MC Abilzhan A.B. held a curatorial hour on the topic “We are against corruption!”. This curatorial hour was attended by 2nd year students In-21-1,2 and In-21-1k, 2k. Purpose: to promote the formation of anti-corruption consciousness among students, the formation of a […]
On March 17, 2023, senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature Abylbaeva B. A. held a curatorial hour in group K-22-1 on the topic “Tobacco, alcoholism and drug addiction”. During the curatorial hour, students shared information about the harm and consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism, expressed […]
The purpose of the modern education system is to train a competitive specialist. The school is a learning environment, its heart is the teacher. A distinctive feature of the creativity of an inquisitive teacher is his ability to transform the lesson and find a way to the student’s heart. In […]