On 26th of November was held the meeting of students’ scientific circle “Adilet” on the theme: “Actual issues of advocacy in the criminal process. The meeting of the study group was held by the docent of the department of legal disciplines, the member of the Karaganda regional Bar Association Ospanova […]
Monthly archives: December 2021
On the 29th of November, 2021 within the bounds of career guidance work with the purpose of informing school leavers was carried out online on the platform ZOOM with the teachers and 11th grade pupils of school-lyceum № 66, School № 16 of Karaganda on the platform ZOOM. The senior […]
The member of the Center of humanistic pedagogics, associate professor of department of preschool education and upbringing Shaltayeva Roza Jiembayevna prepared for participation in Republican distance competition “Tabigat – tirshilik nari” the student of group DOV-19-2kaz Metelova Raushan.
On November 30th 2021 was held the students’ Olympiad on the knowledge of the Constitution basics and state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan The event was held on the ZOOM platform. All in all 8 teams from various high schools of our country participated. This year unlike previous years […]
With support of Karaganda Regional Youth Policy Department within the framework of development of debate movement among youth in Karaganda Region the Union of Debaters of Karaganda Region in 2021 organized 6 (six) exhibition games on debates for youth. Demonstration games were held in such formats as British Parliamentary, American […]
At the initiative of social and educational Fund “Sanaly-Omir” Nur-Sultan, one of the directions of which is training volunteers for outreach activities among young people on the subjects of healthy lifestyles (new approaches to the formation of healthy habits) was held training of students of the club of humanitarian pedagogy […]
Dear students and staff of Bolashaq Academy and the people of Kazakhstan! With all our heart we congratulate you with a public holiday – Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan! This day – December 1 has been chosen as a holiday due to the fact that […]
November 30, Head of the Department of General Education Department of the Academy of “Bolashaq” Kasenov E. B. held an open thematic lecture “Alash and the figures of Alash” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the lecture: to tell the students […]
26On the 26th of November, 2021 members of the department of general educational disciplines of “BOLASHAQ” Academy took part in the enlarged meeting of the Association of departments of Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan “Shanyrak” on a theme: “Role of “Association of departments of APK “Shanyrak” on a new […]
On the 30th of November 2021 the editors of department of Psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education Shutenova Sabira Sartaevna and Shegai Anel Kanatovna, within the limits of the program “Rukhani jagyru” held an open curator hour with students of 1-4 courses, dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the […]