From January 29 to February 5, 2020, under the academic program 7M01101 “Pedagogy and Psychology” Rymbekova Merey Talgatovna and Satbek Kuanysh Zhapparovich had science training at the National Scientific and Practical, Educational and Health Center “Bobek” in Almaty.

On the first day our master students got acquainted with the National Scientific, Practical, Educational and Health Improving Center “Bobek” and visited the library.

In the second day took part in the Republican scientific seminar for master’s students, doctoral students and young scientists on “Psychological and pedagogical methods and methods of scientific research”, organized by the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management of the al Farabi Kazakh National University.

In the given seminar department teachers of the center “Bobek” Doctor of Pedagogy, professor Magauova Akmaral Sabitollaevna, Candidate of Pedagogy, acting associate professor Moldasan Kuanysh Shormanovna and Candidate of Pedagogy, acting associate professor Sembayeva Ardak Maulenovna showed the participants of the event their professional skills, rendered pedagogical help in preparation for professional and pedagogical activity, conducted training on a theme of business communication.

All participants of the seminar were presented with certificates.

Our master students made a tour of Almaty, visited the Medeu ice rink and Kok-Holm.

Master students of 7M01101 academic program “Pedagogy and Psychology” Rymbekova Merei Talgatovna and Satbek Kuanysh Zhapparovich thank the Academy “Bolashaq” in the person of the rector professor Menlibayev Kuralbai Nesipbekovich and Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines Serimov Eleuzhan Elemesovich, Head of the Center for Humane Pedagogy Senior Lecturer Shutenova Sabira Sartaevna for support and assistance in participation in scientific internship.