Primary education.

Pedagogical practice has begun in the specialized boarding school “MURAGER”of the K-20-1 group, which will be held from 23.01 to 12.05. The first week of practice ended 23-27. The first individual work with students, as well as classroom guidance, was familiarized with the internal order of the school. The main attention in the training was paid to the preparation of documents of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We are sure that we will learn from this experience, and we will still have a lot of experience. We began to understand in depth that it is necessary to communicate with students, pay attention to the ability of all children to think, and to prioritize how to teach a topic in an effective and understandable way. We thank the leaders of the practice.

Zhuragat Aymaral

Bolashaq Academy

EP “Kazakh language and literature”

3rd year student of Group K-20-1

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