Defending a diploma is a mandatory step in the vetting process. It not only checks the readiness of the diploma work, but also the preparation of the student. After all, in fact, a great difficulty in defense is not so much to speak, as psychologically tune in to an important event. As one of the stages of preparation, each student must undergo the procedure of pre-defense diploma.

In fact, the defense is a general rehearsal of the main event (presentation of the diploma thesis). Passing this procedure has its own nuances and rules, which should be adhered to, so that in the future not to have problems with the defense of their scientific work. Successful defense is a 90% guarantee that the thesis itself will be submitted without any problems.

On May 12, 2020 the pre-defense of diploma works of full-time students on OP 6B01201- “Pre-school education and upbringing” of students of the group DOV-16-2 took place:
№ | Name of the student | Group | Titles of diploma works | Name of research supervisor |
1 | Kaiyrzhanova darina Serikbolkyzy | DOV-16-2 | Formation of multiculturalism in preschool children through the application of fine arts | Master of Pedagogy, senior lecturer Bakaramova Symbat Amankeldiyevna |
2 | Kordabay Moldir Amangeldikyzy | DOV-16-2 | Ways to acquaint preschool children with nature through the environment | Cand.Ped.Sci., associate professorShaltayeva Roza Zhiyembayevna |
3 | Kamkat Aruzhan Taytolekkyzy | DOV-16-2 | Basics of language development of children of the adult group through pictures and visual aids | Master of pedagogy, senior lecturere Zhanysbayeva Roza Mazrapovna |
The defence was accepted by the teachers of the department: Shaltaeva R.Zh., Sarbasova K.A., Zhanysbaeva R.M., Bakaramova S.A., and also the expert in practice of UMU Konysbaeva Zh.

All the students of the graduating course went on Skype at the appointed time. The students made presentations on the basis of their diploma theses. Teachers asked questions on the themes of the works. The defense was on a very good level. All students worked through their presentations.

The lecturers of the department gave positive assessments of the students’ work on pre-degree defense, wished the students success in defending their diploma works.
K.A. Sarbasova, senior lecturer of the DINO department.