In the Karaganda region is revaccination against coronavirus infection COVID-19 medical workers, specialists of sanitary-epidemiological service, teachers and employees of educational institutions, the contingent of medical and social institutions and law enforcement agencies.

On January 14, teachers and staff of Bolashaq Academy conducted revaccination at Clinic Miras.

According to medical experts, that already after six months the level of antibodies in vaccinated people decreases, which means that the probability of disease increases. Therefore, the meaning of revaccination is to support the immune layer of the population. The immune response has its own patterns. Each encounter with an antigen strengthens memory cells. After revaccination, the immune system will be stronger and increase the defense system against infection.
All of us dream of returning to life without restrictive measures and disposable masks. Given the difficult epidemiological situation in the country, we recommend that you get vaccinated (revaccination) against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in the absence of appropriate contraindications. Only a collective immunity will help to defeat this infection, each of us can take part in its creation! Let’s create a collective immunity together!