Excursion to the Karaganda Regional Museum of Local Lore

In accordance with the plan of educational work, senior lecturer of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines of the educational program 6B04201-Jurisprudence Zhunusova L.M. with students of groups U-21-2 and U-23-2 visited the Karaganda Regional Museum of Local Lore.

Karaganda Regional Museum of Local Lore – opened in 1932, in 1938 it received the title of the regional Museum of local lore, and since 1964 it has been renamed the Historical Museum of Local Lore.

The museum’s exposition consists of 14 halls with an area of 1800 sq. m., a storage facility – 190 sq. m. There is also an assembly hall for 60 seats, a hall of historical cinema “Dolby Digital”, a hall of computer animation “Images of ancestors”. In the large hall at the entrance to the museum, a physical and geographical map of the Karaganda region is presented, which provides generalized information about the territory, population, and territory of our region.

With the assistance of a guide in the museum, students were able to get acquainted with the works “The Origin of life on Earth”, “Nature”, “Archeology”, “Culture of the region”, “Creation of the Karaganda coal basin”, “History of Karlag and the Great Patriotic War”, “Karaganda region during the Great Patriotic War”, “Space Hall”, “The development of the Karaganda region in the years of independence of Kazakhstan “. The data presented aroused the interest of the students and they were pleased with their impressions, received a lot of fresh ideas.

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