Curatorial hour “14 Nauryz – Korisu kuni”

Senior lecturer of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines of the educational program 6B04201 –Jurisprudence, curator of the group Zhunusova L. M. on the topic “14 Nauryz – Korisu kuni” held an open curatorial hour with students of groups U-21-2, U-23-2.

On this day, residents congratulate each other on the successful onset of spring, say good wishes, and pay tribute to the older generation.

On March 14, Korisa kuni is celebrated in Kazakhstan. Korisu means “to see” in translation. On this day, residents congratulate each other on the successful onset of spring, say good wishes, and pay tribute to the older generation. If earlier this date was symbolic only for residents of the western regions of the country, now Korisu kuni is gaining popularity in all regions of Kazakhstan.

Korisu Day can be called the beginning of Nauryz meirama.

A long time ago, the Kazakhs called this day not “korisu”, but “amal”. We can say that these words are no different. According to the current calendar, this day is celebrated on March 14.

The main requirement of Amal is respect for elders, care for the younger ones, support for the weak, and help for the poor. On this day, the younger ones greet the older ones, shake hands and hug each other. Elders bless the young. On this day, former grievances are forgiven, enmity is forgotten. This is a Day of Greeting — a celebration of brotherhood, modesty, charity.

Congratulations on the holiday of prosperity and unity!

Congratulations to everyone on the beginning of the Nauryz holiday!

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