On December 15, 2023, the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication carried out career guidance work with final 3-4-year students of the Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College named after. Alikhana Musina (Balkhash).
A graduate of the Academy, and now a 2nd year master’s student of the EP “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” Ermek Tolganay, in the form of a presentation, provided college students with information about the Bolashaq Academy.

Graduates were presented with information about the place of the Bolashaq Academy among universities in Kazakhstan, forms of education, the level of quality of education at the university, educational and research processes and achievements, rector’s scholarships for full-time students with honors and their types.

The information about the technical equipment of the classrooms of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication was also covered, and various extracurricular activities held within the Academy every year were discussed.
College students were shown the varieties of available clubs and scieties where they can realize their talents and develop their leadership abilities, namely: English Speaking Club, a cognitive linguistics club, a research club “Kaleidoscope”, own student magazine – “Lemonade” – where students and teachers publish their articles; as well as our own radio “Bolashaq-радиосы”.

Information was presented on educational programs for bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and general rules for professional internship within the framework of the educational program. During the meeting, issues arising when choosing a university and educational program were discussed. Students received information about academic mobility, opportunities to participate in international conferences, competitions, benefits, scholarships and a flexible tuition payment system. At the end of the speech, the students showed great interest in the Academy and asked questions that interested them, to which they were given comprehensive answers.