“All scientific work is the product of collective labor, Every discovery, every invention. It is conditioned partly by the cooperation of contemporaries, partly by the utilization of the labor of predecessors.”
Karl Heinrich Marx
25th of April. The GED Department of Bolashaq Academy held the fourteenth and third meeting of the Scientific Kaleidoscope Club in this 2023-2024 academic year. It took place in room 211, building 2 of the NJSC KarTU named after Abylkas Saginov. At the next meeting of the intellectual Club “Scientific Kaleidoscope” named after Yu.A. Sienkiewicz was attended by KarTU and the Bolashaq Academy. The topic of the meeting, raised by the participants in April, was “Young Scientists of the 21st Century”.

The teaching staff of the department “Geology and exploration of mineral deposits” actively took part in the organization. The meeting was attended by groups GPR 22-3, GPR 22-2.

At the beginning of the meeting, according to established tradition, the head of the Scientific Kaleidoscope Club named after Yu.A. made a welcoming speech addressed to the participants. Senkevich – Smirnov Stanislav Yuryevich, who in it outlined and revealed the purpose and objectives of the Club, its regulations on presentations and announced the opening of the Club meeting at number #14.
This is what they said during the meeting:
From Kartu named after Abylkas Saginov:
Senior Lecturer, PhD – Elena Sergeevna Li.
Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Sadchikov Alexander Viktorovich.
student of group GPR 22-3 Toleutai Temirlan.
From Bolashaq Academy:
Senior Lecturer Smirnov Stanislav Yurievich, Department of GED
Senior Lecturer Ruslan Rashidovich Ganeev, Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication
Senior Lecturer Tazhinin Azat Myrzabekovich, department of PMNO
Salnikova Ilona, In-23-1;
Yusupova Liliya, In-23-1;
Orazgali Aizhan, Fm-22-1

The speakers made reports on the topics of the meeting, in which they expressed their desire to answer the main questions of modern science, connecting it with the past, present and future. Drawing parallels, they brought their own vision and shared thoughts about how science developed and which branches of science are currently of particular relevance and significance.
I would like to note the speech of Toleutai T., who raised an interesting question about modernity and the place of artificial intelligence in it.
One of those who attended the meeting for the first time was Art. teacher Tazhinin Azat Myrzabekovich. He shared his thoughts: “I really liked today’s event, as it touched on important and relevant topics related to the development of artificial intelligence, the problem of the language barrier in the modern world, the problem of the design of a modern pharmacy was also touched upon, the students of our Academy demonstrated very good preparation for this event, reports and presentations were at the proper level, there was a friendly atmosphere at this event, there was a lively discussion between teachers and students on issues of interest related to the topics of the event.”

Other thoughts and of a completely different order were shared with us by students of group In-23-1, Academy – Ilona Salnikova and Liliya Yusupova, here are their opinions “On Thursday 04/25/24 I spoke at a meeting of the scientific club “Scientific Kaleidoscope”, with the topic “Language Barrier” in the context of international communication.” There was a cozy, friendly atmosphere at the meeting, which completely removed my embarrassment when speaking. I was impressed by the level of organization and depth of topics presented. The event was organized at a high level, with excellent speakers and interesting discussions. “Science Kaleidoscope” presented a wide range of scientific topics attractive to both professionals and novice scientists. I left the event with new knowledge and inspiration. I look forward to the next event!”
Liliya Yusupova: “My presentation on the topic “Stereotypical thinking in society” left a vivid and unforgettable impression. This speech brought a lot of positive emotions, it was very nice to meet the guys, hear a lot of interesting information and, of course, understand that science is multifaceted. Everyone made me feel welcome, listened to each other, and that also made me happy. It was interesting to gain new experiences and share my thoughts with other people.”

All guests shared with the audience their subjective impressions of their professional activities in the field of a general understanding of science as a way, a method of existence, that is, the purest existence of man. And the big question was: how does scientific knowledge now guide consciousness and that every wrong word can lead to a fatal result, both in the life of an individual and of the entire civilization – we are responsible for ourselves personally, and for subsequent ones us generations. At the end of the meeting, the head of the Club, Stanislav Yuryevich Smirnov, together with the Club coordinator, Elena Sergeevna Li, proposed meeting at the next meeting, which will take place in November 2024 within the walls of the Bolashaq Academy.
Congratulations to all participants of the Intellectual Club “Scientific Kaleidoscope” named after Yu.A. Senkevich with the implementation of the next meeting, and wish them successful studies, excellent grades and strong knowledge, as well as further exceptional discoveries in all areas of scientific knowledge!
See you soon in November! We are waiting for applications for performances from departments and students! The number of participants and guests is unlimited.
Li E.S., PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of GRMDepartment of Geology and exploration of mineral deposits
Smirnov S.Yu., Senior Lecturer, Department of GED