On February 14, 2022 participants of intramuniversity stage of republican competition of research works were interviewed by members of the expert committee. This year five students from the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication participated:
1) Amantayeva Ayana (group IN-19-2) – Colour in linguistics” (supervisor – candidate of philological sciences, professor Orazgaliyeva G.Sh.)
2) Goryunova Alexandra (group IN-19-1) – “ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESS AND CAUSES OF LANGUAGE DYING PARALLELY GLOBALIZATION OF ENGLISH” (supervisor – master of Arts, teacher Maryshkina T.V.)
3) Ermek Tolganay (group IN-18-2) – “Wideness of the vowel TO TAKE in the modern English language (on the material of the fiction and scientific-popular literature)” (supervisor – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Ahn E. D.)
4) Sultanova Ayazhan (group IN-19-2) – “THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW FOR TEACHING THE PHONETICS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE” (supervisor – master of Arts, lecturer Maryshkina T.)
5) Tajmazova Seda (group IN-19-1) – “THE CONNECTION BETWEEN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ONLINE POPULAR CULTURE” (supervisor – master of pedagogical sciences, lecturer Abdresheva M.K.).

The Commission consisted of: Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, PhD, associate professor, Gazikhanova Zhanar Gazizovna, master of philological sciences, senior teacher, Kalizhanova Anna and the teacher of English of the highest category, teacher-researcher, a 2nd year master student Serdalinova Saya Khimievna.
The interview was held in person, so that the students-participants of the competition got the maximum possible practical advice and recommendations from the members of the expert committee, as well as took into account the comments on the submitted works. As the aim of this competition is to develop research skills of students, the commission drew attention of the participants to the need to take into account all the nuances concerning the preparation of the work itself, compliance with all requirements, including technical, academic integrity, potential for further development of topics and contribution to world science.

The expert commission distinguishes the work of Ermek Tolganai as thoroughly elaborated, practically significant and influential in the disclosure of the student’s scientific potential.
The Expert Commission notes the research potential of the works of Seda Taymazova and Ayazhan Sultanova and insists on additional research by these students.
The commission of experts finds useful the work of Alexandra Goryunova for her contribution to the development and popularization of national language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The expert commission notes the merit of the student Ayana Amantayeva in determining the scientific novelty in a seemingly comprehensively researched topic and asks her to expand her research.
Members of the commission of experts in the direction “6. Knowledge of languages is the basis of intercultural communication” consider the university stage of the Republican competition of scientific-research work took place and passed with benefit for all its competitors, but unanimously decide not to allow any of the submitted works to the next stage, because each needs to be improved.
The final results of the internal university stage of the Republican research competition and distribution of awards to the winners will be announced in solemn atmosphere on February 25, 2022.
The expert commission on a direction “6. Knowledge of languages – a basis of the intercultural communication” thanks participants and their scientific supervisors for participation and wishes the further victories on a scientific field.