The monograph “Counteraction to Narcosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity” was published

The collective monograph “Counteraction to Narcosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity” was published, co-authored by Asel Kasenovna Akhmetova, senior lecturer of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Bolashaq Academy.

Asel Kasenovna is a member of the grant funding project of the Committee of Science of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan on “Criminal law and criminological problems of combating illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, № state registration: AP05135432.

In the monograph “Counteraction to narcosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan: history and modernity” materials of scientists-lawyers on actual problems of narcosis are presented. The step-by-step historical analysis of the legislation providing responsibility for illegal actions with drugs, since the moment of their occurrence and finishing last changes and additions in the current criminal legislation is conducted. A criminological profile of drug abuse is given: the causes and conditions of drug abuse and drug trafficking, including in Kyrgyzstan, are examined, and effective drug prevention measures are proposed.

The monograph is of scientific and practical interest to university students, college students, researchers, teachers, graduate students, doctoral students, law enforcement and judicial officials, and anyone interested in drug problems.

Author’s copies were given to the fund of the library of the Academy “Bolashaq”.

We wish you further fruitful work!

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