Dear students!The Youth Committee of the Bolashaq Academy holds its annual, traditional Debut 2020 contest.This competition is held to identify talents of first-year students of the Academy.The format of the contest is online. Voting and results will be summed up on the page of the Academy “Bolashaq” in Instagram network. […]
Asel Kuatovna Khomutova, the head of the Philology Island circle, visited an online meeting of the American Corner Literary Club as part of the experience exchange. The head of the English-language literary club is American Professor of Literature Richard Burke.The format of the meetings was interesting. Club members actively discussed […]
Dear students! We invite you to take part in the media literacy project – the “MEDIA CITY” quiz.Visa is conducted by the Association of Psychology, Business and Media in the framework of the Central Asian program MediaCAMP and will be held in 2 countries – Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.Project goal: to […]
“Bolashaq” академиясының студенттері 2020 жылғы 1 қазанда онлайн режимінде өткен республикалық “парасаттылық сағатына” қатысты. Бұл “парасаттылық сағаты” қазақстандық жастар үшін жаңа тұлға, замандас және табысты жас көшбасшы – Ренат Бектұровпен танысуымен ерекшеленді. Ренат Бектұров 1984 жылы 13 қазанда Алматы облысында дүниеге келген. Astana International Exchange Басқарма Мүшесі. Қаржылық қызмет көрсету […]
The staff of the Academy “Bolashaq” heartily congratulates colleagues of PU “Balkhash College of Actual Education of Academician Akylbaev Zh.S.” in the face of the director Aigul Zhambulovna Kusainova and colleagues of Karaganda Higher College “Bolashaq” in the face of Mamraeva Gaini Baimagambetovna with Teacher’s Day! We wish inspiration, patience, […]
Dear colleagues and students! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate my native team with a beautiful Jubilee – 25 years! The most part of my professional life has passed within the walls of “Bolashaq” Academy, so I will plunge into my memories a little. This is almost a […]
In order to ensure the safety of life and health of students, teachers and other workers, as well as to prevent the spread of coronoviral infection COVID-19 during the pandemic declared by the World Health Organization, the Bolashaq Academy has developed regulations to prevent the spread of coronoviral infection COVID-19. […]
On October 15, 2020 “Bolashaq” Academy started to issue a vegetable basket for students. Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions were distributed to students of socially vulnerable category. Parents and relatives of the students were able to receive the vegetable basket because the students themselves were at the moment of distribution at […]
Bolashaq Academy congratulates its senior colleagues on the International Day of Older People!From the height of the lived years life is seen quite differently. Your wise advice tune the young generation to the right path, help them make the right decision. In your hearts we draw support and understanding, care […]
Dear freshmen! Dedication is an important and interesting event in every student’s life. It is with dedication that yesterday’s student begins a new adult student life, which heralds greater freedom and, at the same time, greater responsibility. The refusal to transform the traditional Dedication into students in that academic year […]
During the 25 years of the Bolashaq Academy’s history, the team was enriched with new, interesting and creative employees, who contributed to the dream of our university. Despite the fact that there are changes in their professional activity, they remember their native Bolashaq with kindness and warmth. Congratulations on the […]
Dear our users! We would like to inform you that we have access to the digital library “AKNURPRESS”. Digital Library “Akpress” is a software product with online access to the base of domestic digital textbooks and manuals, with technical support, call-center. It has a qualitative approach to selection of the […]
Please be informed that a redesign of the RMEB site has been made for efficient and convenient work of users with the digital library resources. The main functions of the site (Search, Magazines, Videolectures, About Us, News, Statistics, Questions and Answers) have remained the same. In the section “About us” […]
My student complaint was filed at Karaganda University “Bolashak” in the 2011-2015 academic year. Modern Karaganda Academy “Bolashaq”. I entered the Bolashaq Academy, participating in the Olympiad” erudite-2011″, having won a year of free training. Currently, I work as a teacher-psychologist at the school-Lyceum No. 7 named after K. I. […]
All the days spent within the walls of my native Bolashak are valuable to me; here I learned to rejoice at good luck and learn from failures.I remember with great warmth all the teachers with whom I had the opportunity to interact. Each of them left an indelible mark in […]