On the initiative of the Head of State, March 1 is marked as a Day of Тhanksgiving in our national calendar of special dates. His appearance in the life of Kazakhstanis is a natural development of long—standing traditions of friendship, sincere help, selflessness. Тhanksgiving Day is an opportunity to once […]
On October 17, students of the Bolashaq Academy living in a dormitory received additional social assistance. Students express their gratitude to the management of the Bolashaq Academy for the assistance provided.
At the initiative of the First President, March 1 has been declared the Day of Gratitude since 2016. On this day in 1995, on the initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan was created, an institution that has become a symbol of cohesion, unity and friendship […]
The staff and faculty of Bolashaq Academy sincerely thank the leadership for taking care of their colleagues.
On March 1, our Kazakhstan celebrates Gratitude Day, a new holiday filled with special meaning and spiritual joy. On this day at the Academy “Bolashaq” for the sixth consecutive year, employees and faculty of the institution receive a food basket as a sign of gratitude from the leadership and administration […]
It has become a good tradition to distribute vegetables in our academy, we started by giving out good selected potatoes at our academy! Due to such attention of the management of the university we would like to thank them and say many thanks! You not only distribute potatoes and thereby […]
On September 2, 2021, the Academy’s loyalty award was ceremoniously held in sanitary conditions. A total of 102 people who have worked from 7 to 24 years received it this year. In terms of departments and divisions, the most committed to the institution should be considered: Department of Legal Disciplines […]
The letter of gratitude from colleagues from the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) arrived to the Academy “Bolashaq” addressed to the Rector Professor Menlibayev K.N., which expressed gratitude to the staff and teaching staff of the Academy for fruitful cooperation in organizing and conducting the International scientific-methodical seminar “Actual […]
Bolashaq Academy staff and faculty continue to thank the leadership of the institution for taking care of their colleagues and the gift of a food basket on Thanksgiving Day. Gratitude Day is primarily a solemn day of the President’s policy of peace and harmony, which laid the foundation for peace […]
The staff and faculty of Bolashaq Academy sincerely thank the leadership for caring about their colleagues. Expressing gratitude for the traditional good deed! Dear staff of the Academy, today is the beginning of the year and the most polite day is Thanksgiving. On this day, every year, the leadership of […]
The administration and staff of general education school №134 of the October district of Karaganda expresses gratitude to Maira Balievna Shashchanova, candidate of technical sciences, professor of the Academy “Bolashaq” for active participation and assistance in the Information Literacy Week. THANK YOU LETTER On February 1-6, 2021, under the guidance […]
On February 12, 2021 in the Academy of “Bolashaq” summed up the results of the regional contest “Zhas zanger-2021 – Young Lawyer-2021” among students of 11 classes, lyceums, gymnasiums and college graduates of Karaganda and Karaganda region. Students and supervisors thank the Academy “Bolashaq” for organizing and conducting the competition […]
Participants in the February 3, 2021 online on the platform ZOOM regional competition “The future teacher of the new formation-2021”, organized by the Department of Pre-school and Elementary Education, Academy “Bolashaq”, thank the management and teaching staff for the organization and conduct of the event. O. Zhumabekov secondary schoolreference school […]
The Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Professor Menlibayev K.N. received letters of gratitude from colleagues from the Russian Federation. FSIU HE “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia” expresses gratitude to the Academy “Bolashaq” for cooperation and thanks for active participation in the Interuniversity with international participation student scientific conference “The culture […]