Beginning in 2021, a more flexible approach to working off the state grant has been implemented. In 2016, amendments were made to the Law “On Education” regarding the workout of university graduates who studied on state educational grants. According to the amendments adopted by the Parliament, grant holders were required […]
Career guidance
March UNT for admission to the paid department will be held in a computer format. Previously, the spring testing was held for 10 days, but this time at the disposal of participants for a month. You can register for the UNT at The number of subjects remains the same […]
As part of the plan of career guidance, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Diyanova R.T. held career guidance work online on the platform ZOOM with graduating classes on the theme: “My profession is my way” among students № 68 Kazakh State University in Karaganda. Graduates learned […]
Department of “Kazakh language and literature” of the Bolashaq Academy in 2021 On March 05, together with the Department of Education of Karaganda region, the first stage of the remote Olympiad “Young philologist-2021” was held among students of the 11th grade of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums of Karaganda region and […]
The UNT 2021 is an exciting topic for high school students. How will the main exam and what should future graduates prepare for? These points are clarified by the National Testing Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Winter testing in January 2021 was held in compliance with the epidemiological safety […]
On March 1, 2021 in online mode on a platform ZOOM. Karaganda was held career guidance work. Senior teachers of the Department of Pre-school and Elementary Education Zh. A. Arunova, R. N. Zhapanova and candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Zh. M. Akparova told the 11th graders about the Academy “Bolashaq”. […]
March 2, 2021 a senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Mekadilova S.K. at the ZOOM-platform held career guidance work with students of the 11th grade school-asli-complex named after B. Momyshuly on the theme “My chosen profession”. On March 2, Senior Teacher of the Department of pedagogy and […]
Keeping in touch with alumni, their further interaction with the university, participation in their fate is an integral part of the work of Bolashaq Academy. February 25, 2021 faculty members of the Department of Pre-primary and primary education held an online “Alumni Meeting. Among the participants of the meeting were […]
The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication of the “Bolashaq Academy” Private Educational Institution organized an audio-work contest. The aim of the “Speak your mind” contest was to popularize foreign language learning among senior high school students, develop their foreign language communicative and linguocultural competence as well as to […]
February 26, 2021 in the Academy of “Bolashaq” Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines conducted II round of the Regional Olympiad for schoolchildren on the subjects of chemistry and biology. The winners of I, II and III places will be awarded certificates with grants from the rector for one year of study. […]
On February 18, 2021 took place the second round of the regional contest “Zhas karzhyger – 2021” among students in 11 classes, lyceums, high schools and college graduates of Karaganda and Karaganda region, organized by the Department of “Finance” Academy “Bolashaq” together with the Department of Education of Karaganda region. […]
In 2021, Kazakhstani schoolchildren will take the Unified National Test in a new way. Besides the fact that the main school exam will be held electronically, the graduates will have an opportunity to test their luck twice. Everything remains the same in content, but the format changes. Previously a schoolboy […]
Teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology conducted career guidance work with graduates of secondary school in Samarkand village of Bukhar Zhyrau district. During meetings with schoolchildren they were told about the educational programs, training on which the Academy “Bolashaq” realizes.
According to the results of testing the following students passed to the 2nd round which will be held on February 26, 2021: In the subject of biology in the state language of instruction: Berikuli Abilkaiyr (67 points) – KSU “Reference school (resource center) №23”, Karagandy Seyfullina Nargiza (65 points) – […]
The annual regional Olympiad for schoolchildren on the subjects of chemistry and biology is held on February 19, 2021 at the Academy of “Bolashaq” by the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines jointly with the Department of Education of Karaganda Region. There were 50 applications on biology and 35 applications on chemistry […]