Ekaterina Shitova, student In-21-1, under the guidance of Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Asakaeva D.S. applies coaching technologies in practice at school. After a non-standard lesson (April 18, 2024) in the discipline “Research and project activities of teachers and students,” Asakaeva D.S. on the topic “Application of […]
Monthly archives: April 2024
In April 2024, as part of the activities of the Psychological Service and the “Know Yourself” psychological club, training on conflict resolution was held. The training was conducted by a teacher of the Department of Pedagogy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, coach, art therapist, neurographer Dana Salamatovna Asakaeva with the participation […]
The training was conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Asakaeva Dana Salamatovna with the participation of students from In-21-1. Conducting a class in the discipline “Research and Project Activities” outside the Academy and in the coaching format was a joint initiative of D.S. […]
On April 25, 2024, a pre-diploma defense of the works of students of the PiP-20-1 group (full-time department) took place in the educational program 6B01101 – “Pedagogy and Psychology”.The defense was attended by teachers of the department of “Pedagogy”: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Abdrakhmanova A. S., candidate of […]
Defense of a diploma is a procedure for assessing the level of theoretical knowledge of graduates, developed professional competencies, readiness to perform professional tasks and compliance of their readiness with the requirements of the educational program. The purpose of defending a diploma is to evaluate the learning outcomes and professional […]
Society is currently experiencing a change in its value system associated with the modernization of public life. Such ongoing changes are to some extent accompanied by tension in interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts and, as a result, various opposition groups seeking to achieve the result they desire through extremism and terrorism. […]
⚜2024 zhylgy 25 sәuіrde Kazakhstan Republics IІІM B. Beisenov atyndagy Karaganda On April 25, 2024, the Department of General Legal Disciplines of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov celebrated the 125th anniversary of the geologist of the Soviet […]
On April 24, an open presentation of the results of the research project took place: “PERCEPTION OF THE IMAGE OF THE BOLASHAQ ACADEMY BY THE STUDENT AUDIENCE.” The image of the academy is the reputation of an educational institution, which is formed on the basis of its scientific and educational […]
On April 24, 2024, the Kazakh National University of Arts and the Institute of Design and Technology ASUE “Symbat” held a republican online round table on the topic “Ult namysyn uran tukan tulga”, dedicated to the anniversary of Abdijamil Nurpeisov. The purpose of the round table: moral, aesthetic education of […]
20-го апреля прошла Международная межвузовская студенческая научно-практическая конференция в онлайн-режиме на базе Российского университета дружбы народов в г. Москве с участием Института русского языка, медицинский институт, аграрно-технологического института и кафедры русского языка № 5 Института русского языка. Конференция была посвящена владению русским языком в различных профессиональных сферах. В ней приняли […]
On April 24, 2024, the Academy’s doctor S.G. Kuur gave a lecture on the topic “Vaccines: protecting health for past, present and future generations” as part of the European Immunization Week. Vaccination is one of the greatest achievements of medicine, saving 2 to 3 million lives every year. Largely thanks […]
On April 19, 2024, on-site career guidance work was carried out at gymnasium No. 102 named after Al-Farabi in the city of Karaganda. Employees of the Department of GED: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kasenov E.B. and Art. teacher Smirnov S.Yu. visited graduating classes, met the students, talked about […]
In the Karaganda region, tree planting continues as part of the republican campaign “Taza Kazakhstan”. Work collectives, schoolchildren and environmental activists participate in landscaping work. In the Osakarovsky district, within the framework of the Zhasyl Aimak week from April 22 to 27, it is planned to plant 600 units of […]
Employees of the Department of Economic Investigations for the Karaganda region, namely a graduate of the Bolashaq Academy, Head of the Administrative Department Sattybaeva M.R., held a meeting with students of the Bolashaq Academy. The meeting was attended by 3rd-4th year full-time students. During the meeting, issues about the dangers […]
On April 24, a student scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “The Age of the Golden Horde: history and culture” was held at the BOLASHAQ Academy. In her preface, Ph.D. Professor F. F. Sattarova emphasized the importance of this topic in that history is a temporal sequence of real […]