To support talented young people, as well as to create conditions for self-realization of students in the arts, on September 29 at the Academy “Bolashaq” was held an annual, traditional competition for students of 1-2 courses of “Debut-2021”.A large number of students took part in the competition. The fight was […]
Monthly archives: September 2021
September 29, 2021 at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation in a full-time distance format hosted the International Research and Practice Conference “Criminal law and morality. In the conference Section 2 “Moral and Spiritual Foundations of Criminal Procedure” was attended by Alexander […]
According to the Plan of the main events of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 23-24, 2021 a visiting meeting of members of the Committee on the constitutional legislation, judicial system and law enforcement bodies (further – Committee) in Nur – Sultan and Karaganda on the issue […]
September 24, 2021 professors of the department of legal disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich and Abdizhami Aytugan Zhumahmetovna together with master students took part in a standing International scientific conference “Actual Questions of improvement of judicial examination and law enforcement activity”, on the basis of Kirovograd Research Criminalistics Expert Center of […]
Department of National Statistics Bureau of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region announces recruitment of census personnel under contract for reimbursable services: Requirements for candidates: age – 18 years and older; education – higher, technical and professional (specialized secondary), post-secondary, […]
On September, 27th at 15:00 in a palace of students (2nd floor) of the main case of E.A.Buketov Karaganda University will take place a SESSION OF ONE-MANAGE Chess game with the International master of chess (IM) Kasimov Bauyrzhan.And also do not miss the opportunity to take part in the Tournament […]
Department of Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency of Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region announces recruitment of census personnel under contract of paid services: Requirements to candidates: age – 18 years old and over; Education – higher, technical and professional (specialized […]
If you have encountered corrupt practices on the part of civil servants or have become an unwitting witness of illegal corruption violations, you should contact the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Counteracting Corruption (Anti-Corruption Service) in one of the following ways: In writing to the postal address: 12 […]
The Department of Youth Policy of Karaganda Region launches a project on formation of financial literacy among young people. The aim of the project is to improve the financial literacy of young people, the development of basic financial management skills. In the process of training the participants will: Form budget […]
On September 24 the United Accumulative Pension Fund will hold the “Open Doors Day” in online format. Everyone who wants to attend this event using a special online platform can do it from home. The topic of the event is “Individual pension plan – a new generation trend”. The main […]
On September 20, 2021 SIC “Rukhaniyat together with the senior teacher of department of the general educational disciplines Kosmanova A.B. among students of all educational programs of Academy “Bolashaq” have lead discussion of the manual of the scientist-humanitarian of our epoch Svetlana Vladimirovna Lurie (1961-2021) “Historical ethnology”. The first edition […]
On September 13, 2021 in the sports center “Batyr” was organized an annual, traditional “Rector’s Cup” mini-football tournament among teachers and students of “Bolashaq” Academy. It was a great opportunity to show yourself and show your best qualities. In the tournament 7 teams from different groups and courses took part. […]
Rector Menlibayev K.N., doctor Kuur S.G. and head of PR Bekseitova B.B. 10.09.21 and 13.09.21 held meetings with students in classrooms. There were considered questions about vaccination against coronovirus, compliance with sanitary and epidemic requirements, photofluorographic examination and adherence of nonresident students to free medical care in the clinic “Miras”.
Contribute to the development of the country. Hurry up and apply before September 30. Full information on the site
On September 11, 2020 online conversation with 1st year students was held on prevention of religious extremism and terrorism, political extremism. The speaker was Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna, Vice-rector on SVR of “Bolashaq” Academy. In the course of the conversation the issues of destructive currents in society were discussed, the legal […]