Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan! May the friendship and accord of all Kazakhstanis living under one immense roof continue; may inter-ethnic peace and understanding always be strong and unshakable; may unity and solidarity reign in our country! Social harmony and […]
Monthly archives: April 2021
According to the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N. Nazarbayev of October 18, 1995 since 1996 on May 1 the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates one of the kind and brightest holidays – the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan. On October […]
Dear friends! Dear students, colleagues! Bolashaq Academy sincerely congratulates you on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan! We wish everyone to feel that Kazakhstan is their native home, and in return receive opportunities for self-fulfillment, prosperity and protection. On May 1 Kazakhstan celebrates one of the kindest […]
On April 29, 2021 the department of Foreign languages and intercultural communication held the curatorial hour on the theme “The sacral geography of Kazakhstan” online at the platform Zoom. This curatorial hour was spent within the limits of the program “Rukhani kazyna” on realization of the special project “Spiritual sanctuaries […]
April 30, 2021 on the platform ZOOM meeting of the Academic Committee of the department “Pedagogy and Psychology” Academy “Bolashaq” for the 2020-2021 academic year on the educational program 6B01101 – “Pedagogy and Psychology”. The meeting was attended by 9 people – members of the AC on EP 6B01101, 7M01101 […]
There’s a lot of writing today about the changes in our lifestyles caused by the pandemic. I want to share my experience and focus on the opportunity to improve my skills and talk about lifelong learning, continuing education. We have gained access to many educational platforms, and we can pursue […]
On April, 9-10th, 2021 on the basis of the Moscow State University of Law named after O.E.Kutafin (Moscow, Russian Federation) took place one of the largest conference of young scientists “Traditions and innovations in the system of Russian law”. One of the largest conferences in the field of jurisprudence – […]
On May 1, our country celebrates the state holiday of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan. The holiday began to be celebrated in 1996. On October 18, 1995 the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree on declaring May 1 the Day of Unity of the people of […]
On April 28, 2021 there was an online meeting of the faculty and staff of Bolasgaq Academy on vaccination and immunization against COVID-19. Currently, one of the most effective ways to counteract coronavirus infection is through vaccination.Vaccination centers have been organized in each region to increase accessibility and simplify the […]
On the 24th of April the XXIII International inter-university student scientific conference “The culture of scientific and professional and business communication” was held at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia in the online regime. The Center of humane pedagogics of “Bolashaq” Academy in Karaganda co-organized this International scientific-practical conference from […]
Students of the Kazakh language and literature department of the “Bolashaq” Academy join the Challenge dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Kasym Amanzholov. We invite everyone to take part in the relay race. Publish your reading of poems by Kasym Amanzholov under the hashtags #qasymamanzholov #qasym110 #zhyrestafetasy in social networks […]
There was an open seminar by the head teacher of the department of preschool and primary education Bondarenko Veronica Vitalievna in the group DOV-18-1 on “Methodological work in the preschool organization. The methodical work itself assumes the integral, based on achievements of science, an advanced experience and the analysis of […]
On April 24th 2021 in the year of thirtieth anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan in E. A. Buketov Karaganda University the First Subject Olympiad of International Law was held among the universities of Karaganda at the Law Faculty. The Olympiad was held aiming to enhance the quality of higher […]
On April 22 held an online round table on “Custom as a source of law. The round table was organized by the department of legal disciplines in partnership with the department of theory and history of state and law of the Institute of history and law of N.F. Katanov Khakass […]
The quality of training of young professionals in higher education institutions is directly dependent on the depth of knowledge acquired by students during the theoretical course of study, practicing and consolidation of practical skills. The industrial practice is an obligatory component of the educational process, which is necessary to prepare […]