On April 22 held an online round table on “Custom as a source of law.
The round table was organized by the department of legal disciplines in partnership with the department of theory and history of state and law of the Institute of history and law of N.F. Katanov Khakass State University” (Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, Russian Federation).
The event was conducted for the purpose of analysis of the role of custom in the formation and functioning of the state and legal systems of Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries.
The round table was attended by members of the student scientific circle “Әdilet”, teachers of the department.
At the round table spoke candidate of law, professor Kabzhanov A.T., associate professor Kenzhina S.A., student Zhanabayev D. and others.

Participants of the round table discussed the role of custom in the formation and functioning of the state-legal systems, considered actual problems of development of institutions of law and state.
Of particular interest to the participants were the reports of Associate Professor Kenzhina S.A., Zhanabayev D., dedicated to the Kazakh customary law and the court of biys.
According to the results of the round table will be published a collection of materials.
The head of the student scientific circle “Adilet” Zhumzhumayev N.