On 12 December 2019, early exit elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis were held for citizens from other countries. Karaganda polling station for citizens is located at Bolashaq Academy. Students of the Academy who are citizens of Uzbekistan took an active part in the elections. This is […]
Yearly archives: 2019
Educational Institution “Yanka Kupala Grodno State University” invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “University-territory of Forward Development” on February 19-20, 2020, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the University. Paragraph Inmormational letters in Russian and English are attached: Invitation-ru Download . Letter-ru Download. Invitation-en […]
November 10, 2019, at the Academy “Bolashaq” was held a meeting of the Department of Migration Service of the Department of Police of Karaganda region (hereinafter – the Department of Migration Service of the Karaganda region) with first and second year students who came to study from other countries, and […]
On December 6, the Department of Legal Disciplines of the “Bolashaq” Academy held an international scientific-practical conference “Prospects of development of legal systems of the EAEC countries. Institutional Transformations of Judicial Law Enforcement Systems”. This event was attended by the faculty of the Department, the research department officer Smagulova G.S., […]
The Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines prepared and held a round table on “Health and Gender” on 6 December. The purpose of the round table was the desire of the organizers to exchange relevant information and deepen knowledge among those present on the topic under discussion. The round table was attended […]
The Academy “Bolashaq” hosted an open lecture by the famous Kazakh historian, ethnologist, writer, teacher, holder of the title “The best teacher of the university”, PhD, professor of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Zh.O. Artykbayev. A lot of new, useful and interesting information about historical events of the native land […]
On January 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. “Bolashaq Academy” with the support of the Committee on Legislation and Legal Reform of the Majilis of the Parliament of the RK holds a Round Table on “Problems of protection of the rights of convicts and guarantees of torture prevention in the penal […]
On December 7-8, 2019, a national debate tournament for the Cup of Karaganda Region’s Akim dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Saken Seyfullin took place. The jury were the best debaters of Karaganda region and these are students of “Bolashaq” academy. The president of debate club of our academy, the […]
Under the article of the First President of RK Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka Bagdar: Ruhani Zhangyru” Doctor of Pedagogy, professor Zholdasbekova A.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Daniyarov T.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Sembiev K. Z. have jointly developed a training manual. The purpose of the training manual “ACTUAL […]
The lecturers of the Academy “Bolashaq” A.N. Kalizhanova, T.N. Maryshkina, M.Y. Ishmuratova, B.M. Ibrayeva, K.Z. Sembiyev published a new article in the highly rated journal Historical Biology. This publication was included into Scopus and Web Science Core Collection databases and has an impact factor of 1.489, which is a good […]
November 28, 2019 at the Academy “Bolashaq” on the initiative of the “Garant” was held a round table to discuss a public report on the results of the state grant on the theme: “Holding an event to improve legal literacy of the population in the field of consumer protection in […]
We invite you to take part in the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Tatischev Readings: Actual Problems of Science and Practice”, April 24-25, 2020, the purpose of IUCN is to assess the main trends in the development of science and practice in different regions of Russia and the world. […]
Under the article of the First President of RK Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka Bagdar: Rukhani Zhangyru” Doctor of Pedagogy, professor A.A. Zholdasbekova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor T.A. Daniyarov, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor K.A. Sembiev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor K.Z. Sembiyev have jointly developed a textbook in English […]
Academic program “Basics of Pre-Trial Investigation in the Modernization of Criminal Proceedings in Kazakhstan” Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Academy “Bolashaq”, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor A.L. Khan developed a distance learning program “Fundamentals of pre-trial investigation in the modernization of criminal proceedings in the Republic […]
On December 4, a regular meeting of the student science group “Adilet” on the theme: “Problems and prospects of creating family courts in the Republic of Kazakhstan” was held. The meeting of the circle was conducted by the associate professor of the department of legal disciplines K.K. Sadykova. At the […]