Educational program “Basics of Pre-Trial Investigation in the Modernization of Criminal Proceedings in Kazakhstan”

Academic program “Basics of Pre-Trial Investigation in the Modernization of Criminal Proceedings in Kazakhstan”

Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Academy “Bolashaq”, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor A.L. Khan developed a distance learning program “Fundamentals of pre-trial investigation in the modernization of criminal proceedings in the Republic of Kazakhstan” with the Russian language instruction in the subject “Criminal proceedings” of 72 hours.

The need for additional study of the proposed topic is due to the ongoing reform of the criminal law policy of the state and, as a consequence, the introduction of changes and additions to the current legislation governing the judicial process in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, since the entry into force of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan), more than 25 changes and additions have been made aimed at modernizing the procedural foundations of law enforcement activity in order to bring it into line with generally recognized international standards of justice administration. Such an approach creates certain difficulties both for the law enforcer and the teaching staff of law schools, since the novelties introduced into the law require both theoretical substantiation and creation of new mechanisms of law enforcement.

In this regard, the need for additional education to fill the theoretical and applied gaps associated with the constant updating of judicial procedures, especially in the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings, is becoming more relevant, since “…no matter how good the rules of operation are, they may lose their meaning in inexperienced, rough or unscrupulous hands …”.1

The educational program of advanced training courses “Basics of Pre-trial Investigation in the Modernization of Criminal Proceedings in the Republic of Kazakhstan” is designed to train practicing lawyers, students and teachers of legal educational institutions.

Currently, the program has been agreed with the management of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 125 investigators from the Department of Internal Affairs of Alma-Ata oblast are being trained within the framework of public procurement. Training under this general education program has been approved in all investigation departments throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A certificate of authorship has been issued for this program.

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