The spread in Kazakhstan of extremism (first of all, Islamic extremism) and its radical form of aggravation – terrorism – was one of the main threats to the country’s national security.
The most vulnerable environment for the penetration of extremist ideas, including Islamic ones, are school, college and university students with a psyche that has not yet been formed and is easily influenced from outside.
Extremism, including Islamic extremism, among teenagers and youth is characterized by fanaticism, unquestioned execution of all orders, the legitimacy of which is not questioned or discussed, as well as low professionalism and lack of long experience in extremist activities. Groups of young extremists are mainly formed around solid public and other associations, which include older participants.
The main features of modern youth extremism are: rapidly developing organization, close interconnection of ideas and goals, cohesion of groups, formation of ideological charters in them, variety of methods to achieve their goals using the latest information technologies, social networks, and strengthening of conspiracy measures.
It is necessary to emphasize the special role of the family in forming the personality of the younger generation. Economic turmoil, unemployment, uncertainty about the future, drunkenness and drug addiction contribute to the growth of the number of incomplete, dysfunctional families and street children. Family breakdown (more than 56 percent of families break up their marriages after one year of living together – Author’s note) pushes minors, lacking parental warmth and attention, embittered by indifference and indifference of society, to join the ranks of criminals, including extremists.
Terrorism and extremism in any of their manifestations increasingly threaten the security of many countries and their citizens, entail huge political, economic and moral losses, exert strong psychological pressure on large masses of people, the further the more innocent lives are taken.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Do not give way to destructive currents!
Source: http://infozakon.kz/gov/3442-profilaktika-ekstremistskih-proyavleniy-sredi-molodezhi-kazahstana.html