Dear students and colleagues!
Academy “Bolashaq” (Karaganda), Karaganda Industrial University (Temirtau) invites you to the planned conference: Zoom.
Subject: Online tele-bridge “Light of goodness, love and humanism”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the President of the international public fund “Bobek” S.A. Nazarbayeva.
The teleconference will take place on February 10, 2021 at 15:00 on Nur-Sultan time. Nur-Sultan
Connect to the conference Zoom
Conference ID: 790 891 6613
Access Code: 741852

PROGRAMME of online teleconference “Moscow-Tbilisi-Almaty-Nur-Sultan-Karaganda-Temirtau” “Light of kindness, love and humanism”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the President of the International Public Foundation “Bobek” S.A. Nazarbayeva
Date: February 10, 2021
Date: February 10, 2021, 15.00 pm (Nur-Sultan time)
Timing of the event: 1 hour
The online teleconference is conducted by the Academy “Bolashaq” (Karaganda), Karaganda Industrial University (Temirtau)
Honorary guests of the event:
Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili – Professor Emeritus of the Academy “Bolashaq”, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, foreign member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Klement Ohridsky University of Sofia, Head of the International Center for Humanistic Pedagogy, Russian Federation Government Prize Winner, “Knight of Humanistic Pedagogy”, “Knight of Childhood”, “Man of the Year 2020” in the Russian Education (Moscow). Moscow)
Omashev Kuanysh Omashevich – colleague of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbas N.A. Nazarbayev, veteran of metallurgy (Temirtau)
Tuleubaev Ermek Ibrailovich – fellow worker of the First President of RK-Elbas N.A. Nazarbayev, veteran of metallurgy (Temirtau)
Iskakov Toktarhan Ibraevich – fellow worker of the First President of RK – Elbas N.A. Nazarbayev, veteran of metallurgy (Temirtau)
Viktor Nikonov – associate of the first president of RK-Elbasa N.A. Nazarbayev, veteran of metallurgy (Temirtau)
Sakenova Elena Nikolaevna – Director General of “Bobek” National Scientific and Practical, Educational and Recreational Center (Almaty)
Amonashvili Paata Shalvich – Honorary Professor of “Bolashaq” Academy, Doctor of Psychology, President of International Center for Humane Pedagogy, “Knight of Humane Pedagogy”, academic director of “Basti Bubu” pre-school educational institution, sociologist, writer (Tbilisi)
Marina Zamsharifovna Targakova – Vice-President of International Centre for Humanistic Pedagogics, “Knight of the Humanistic Pedagogy”, chairman of the public association “Razum Life”, president of the medical corporation “Brant”, writer (Almaty)
Ms Svetlana Anatolevna Zaitseva – leading methodologist and consultant of the Public Foundation “Sanaly Omir”, specialist in humanistic pedagogy, school religious studies and volunteer HLS movement (Nur-Sultan).
Participants: Teachers and students of “Bolashaq” Academy and Karaganda Industrial University, teaching community of Karaganda city and Karaganda region.