On January 30, 2021 the head of the Kazakh language and literature department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the “Bolashaq” Academy Sembiev Kurmangazy Zakirovich participated in an online meeting with teachers and pupils of the 93rd secondary school of Karaganda on the transition of the Kazakh alphabet in Latin script.
The event was reflected on the official website of the city Education Department and in social network FaceBook KSU “Gymnasium 93”.
One of the tools that will give an impetus to the development of the future of the nation is the Latin alphabet, which is gradually being introduced in our country.

Kurmangazy Zakirovich, an active member of the Republican working group on the transition to the alphabet based on the Latin script, told teachers and students about the importance and relevance of the alphabet based on scientific principles, expressed confidence that it will lead to a better future and give a new impetus to science and education.

Approval and further gradual introduction of the alphabet based on the Latin alphabet is a new impulse in the development of national science and education.
SEMBIEV KURMANҒAZY ZƏKLRҰli, candidate of philological sciences, professor, member of Republican working group on introduction of alphabet on the basis of Latin script, told about this irreplaceable mechanism on the basis of reliable facts and scrupulous research at online meeting with the teachers and pupils of high school № 93 gymnasium of Karaganda in the framework of “Unhelpful Omir” project.
Kurymangazy Zekiruly informed in detail about the main factual changes in the last approved edition of the alphabet.
Scientist linguist focused virtual interlocutors’ attention on the application and the main methods of teaching the new alphabet.
The most important and the most relevant – this alphabet will become a means of uniting the whole Turkic world!